hey i am going to talk to JImmy about having a tourny at Collect a card and was wondering what dates and tiems would be good for the other players b/c last time i tlaked to him about a tourny i set it up and a couple people i no couldnt make it so i want to hear what you guys can and cannot do. i am in school right now and near finals week-trimesters- but its looking like 21-23 are the best days for me and 2 other people i no please respond quickly i plan on talking to jimmy either tuesday or thursday-dont no when the deadline to sign up for the tourny is didnt see that date anwhere??? but please hurry. sorry about the rush but i have been so busy i havent been here in a while and just saw the new tourny
p.s. if you are not a chicago player but happened to have read this anyway but know a chicago player and have their email address/ another way to contact them could you please tell them thank you.