Anarch Noise deck (2 core + WLA)

By Shane Li, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

I used to play an aggressive Anarch deck but feels constantly under economical pressure, and the outcome depends too much on the luck of draw, so I come up with this deck.
Events: 9 cards (3 influence)
Sure Gamble X3
Easy Mark X3 (3 influence)
Deja Vu X3
Programs: 18 cards
Djinn X3
Parasite X2
Datasucker X2
Medium X2
Imp X2
Corroder X2
Mimic X2
Yog.0 X2
Hardware: 7 cards (2 influence)
Grimoire X2
Cyberfeeder X3
Sacrificial Construct X2 (2 influence)
Resources: 11 cards (10 influence)
Wyldside X3
Aesop's Pawnshop X2 (4 influence)
Bank Job X3 (6 influence)
Armitage Codebusting X2
Ice Carver
Grand total: 45 cards (15 influence)
The idea is to maintain constant pressure on all servers to hopefully overwhelm the corp.
Wyldside is the best card acceleration engin in game, I do not have any problem with getting cards into hand, the tricky part is how to efficiently play them out.
I have chosen Aesop as my economic engine, to goal is to have something to sell to it almost every single turn, and use the money to install new stuff. (even just to sell it next turn)
Since I am constantly installing and selling cards, the direction of attack become unpredicable, the corp has to build up protection on every single server.
I will trash cards from R&D to archive almost every single turn, so they have to put heavy protection on archive, otherwise a single mid-game archive run can seal the game.
I can easily get Medium from deck or discard pile to set up a double Medium R&D run, which, with some help from Imp, can easily end the game in 2-3 runs. So the corp also need heavy protection on R&D.
They also need to protect remote servers because I have Bank Job and Imp, which basically kills the idea of Pad/Adonis Campaigns. (Pad Campaign has always been a dilama for my other runner decks because If I leave it alone, the corp gets money; if I trash it, its basically a reversed Hedge Fund that also cost me an action)
They obviously need to protect HQ because of Imp.
They obviously need to build a fort to score
Since I get through small ices for cheap/free, and have means to kill bigger ices, there are simply not enough ices to protect all of them. All I have to do is to find a hole in their defense and exploit it to maximum.
Some detailed card analysis:
Wyldside: draw engine, I run 3 copy to be able to reliably put it down early in the game, it also allows me to sell one copy to Aesop when I need the 4th action, and put down another copy when I need the card again.
Aesop's Pawnshop: economic engine. I run a higher than average permenants to make sure I always have something to sell.
Bank job: best money gain card in the game, 2 action (install + run) net me 7 + 3 (sell) - 1 = 9 credit, that is more efficient than 2 X Sure Gamble. Simply put this down on table forces the corp to protect their remote servers.
Armitage Codebusting: turns out to be a bit lackluster, 10 + 3(sell) - 1 = 12 creds costs me 6 actions (install + 5 click), which I would rather spend running/installing. Still a decent way to jump start my economy when I am low on cred.
Ice Carver: helps my non-pumpable ice breaker getting through ices.
Grimoire: I need the memory and I need the extra counter.
Cyberfeeder: I will install virus every single turn, 3 of those on table allows me to put them down for free. I will put down a virus just to sell it next turn, and make it essentially a delayed Easy Mark that also trashes one card from R&D.
Sacrificial Construct: Since the only way to reveal an ice in this deck is to throw myself onto it, I need something to protect my stacked Djinn. If programm trashing is not an issue, I can install and sell it next turn to use it as a delayed easy mark.
Sure Gamble: show me the money.
Easy Mark: not the best way to get money, but I will end up with more card in my hand than I need anyway, it's always a good option to reduce hand size and get some money in the process.
Deja Vu: I sell viruses all the time, this allows me to get two back for a second coming.
Djinn: another engine for the deck, allows me to realiably get required viruses into my hand. Can also stack on top of each other to act as memory units.
Parasite, Datasucker, Medium, Imp: standard issue virus collection. I run two of each because I can reliably get them from deck/dicard pile, and will likey never install three copies at the same time.
Corroder, Mimic, Yog.0: I don't have influences for ice breakers, so I have to settle with all native. The good thing is I can get through early game ices really cheap, so this might not be a limitation after all. Morning Star looks tempting but I need the extra memory for viruses.
Cripsis: rarely played unless I absolutly need something pumpable. It is a virus so I can easily search with Djinn and get back with Deja Vu, also comes with a free counter.

I play a very simmilar deck, but it should be noted the Sacrificial Construct is a resource, not hardware.