Crates of Krayts adventure from the beta book used for the beginner game?

By daddystabz, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

A friend and I are forming a local face-to-face group here in Columbus, Ohio for the beginner game and eventually the core game once it releases and I'm a bit concerned right now with having enough adventures to play until the core product finally releases.

With the 2 adventures released solely for the beginner game how difficult do you all think it would be to use the adventure from the beta book, Crates of Krayts, in the beginner game to have an extra adventure to play through? With all the updates/changes to the beta so far had a lot of stuff in the beta adventure changed? I'm thinking primarily about NPC abilities and things like that which would need tweaking?

Also, how difficult do you all think it would be to adapt some of the West End Games and WotC adventures for use with the new game from Fantasy Flight?

Thanks in advance!

With regard to adapating adventures form previous Star Wars RPGs, the answer is that it depends on how much time you want to put into it.

I would love to adapt Wizard of the Coast's Dawn of Defiance to this system. It would take a while, you'd have to go in and change any feature of the adventure (such as skill checks and NPCs) which have stats and give them new ones. You'd have to ignore the Destiny system and put in support for obligations. The story would of course remain the same. It would take a good long while, but it would be fun, I expect.

As for having enough adventure to last you until the release of the next book release (Spring 2013?), it depends on how often your group is meeting. If you meet weekly or bi-weekly you'll probably have to look for adventures outside the scope of what has been provided so far … if you're comfortable enough running the game with the pre-made stuff, you might want to think about making your own. That can be very rewarding, and you can tailor the adventure to your players specifically, and you only run out when your imagination, time, and willpower do.

daddystabz said:

With the 2 adventures released solely for the beginner game how difficult do you all think it would be to use the adventure from the beta book, Crates of Krayts, in the beginner game to have an extra adventure to play through? With all the updates/changes to the beta so far had a lot of stuff in the beta adventure changed? I'm thinking primarily about NPC abilities and things like that which would need tweaking?

GRRR… typed out a long response and then lost it - stupid forums! In short:

  1. The story (and NPC names) for Crates of Krayts might need a bit of tweaking to work with the beginner box characters and story (from what I've heard of the beginners box).
  2. The NPC stats will need correction, primarily for updates to weapon damage/stats and replacement of defensive talents with Adversary.
  3. The Surveillance skill (which was removed) plays a fairly central role in the story as written.
  4. Neither chase nor fighter wing rules (both added by a weekly update) are used in the adventure, but probably should be.

Generally converting adventures is pretty easy, if you can make the story work for "scoundrel" characters (most adventures I found seem to be written from either a Rebel perspective or have heavy sue of Jedi). I'm about to start the DarkStryder campaign (WEG) in the new year using EotE rules!

On the beta board, there was a thead about which D6/D20 adventures would be easy to adapt. Click here to check it out .

In short, suggested adventures were:

  • D20 - Cat & Mouse
  • D20 - The Smugglers of Naboo
  • D20 - Star Wars Gamer - Rendezvous at Ord Mantell
  • Saga - Scum & Villainy - Mini-Adventures (ex: Smuggler's Rendezvous)
  • Saga - Scum & Villainy - The Fell Star
  • WEG - Classic Adventures Vol 1 - The Politic of Contraband
  • WEG - Instant Adventures - Heavy Lifting, Into the Heat of Battle, Family Problems, The Treasure of Celis Mott
  • WEG - The Pirates of Prexiar
  • WEG - Tatoine Manhunt
  • WEG - Otherspace
  • WEG - Mos Eisley Starter Box Adventures
  • WEG - Galaxt Guide 7: Tram Freigthers Plot/ Adventures
  • WEG - Starfall
  • WEG - Han Solo and the Corportate Sector Plot/Adventures


Once the actual core book releases it will be relativwly easy to adapt. Skill checks had a DC number and changing that to a challemge is as easy as looking at the sliding scale for the difficulties. As for replacing the NPCs there will be a listing of generics in the book and for the specific "character" NPCs from the advantures you create them as you would a PC. I've done many conversions from multiple systems to others because I had players that wanted to run a Rifts type of character in a D10 system based game. I've also taken things from novels we've read and converted them into several systems. I had friends who liked the Nietzscheans from Andromeda and wanted to add them to D&D both 3.5 and AD&D 2nd Edition as well as D20 Star Wars including Saga Edition and D10 system for generic or mixed genre games.

When doing a conversion just don't make it more complicated than need be. Simple replacement works best, you don't have to convert every NPC when you can use generics. Take your time and think things through.