Sigh, I wonder about the future of this game...

By neuicon, in Mutant Chronicles

After hearing the words from my friend at FFG, "Do not look forward to the future of this game", I started to wonder. Well, that same friend got back to me with something else earlier this morning in an email to me. He tells me that there is a significant loss of interest in this game, that they are planning to release all of the miniatures they had originally intended due to the core set and the sad fact that they are having trouble with the retail sale of this product.

I even noticed that is trying to rid themselves of this game by selling starters at $12 and warpacks at $10. A few gamestores in my area are selling the starter at $10-15 and hardly anyone is carrying the newer releases and the two Ilian warpacks.

My friend alerted me that this game, and I quote, "will not survive, and will probably die out sooner than most MC fans think". I was also hinted at the fact that World of Warcraft miniatures has been doing far better in sales than this game, and may play a role in the poor sales of our beloved Mutant Chronicles CMG.

I dunno, guys. I love this game. I literally have now, like 200 of these miniatures, some boxed and some in containers. I play this game all the time with my fiance and even hombrew rules that allow us to have battle of 5 players Vs. 5 players with the help of 6 starter maps put together. I have followed this game since my friend at FFG told me about it, showed me how to play it and got me tons of free stuff from the game before it came out officially. If you look at the MC Demo I did on YouTube, you'll find I bragged about it even before it was officially released and played at local game stores.

I'm worried, and as my friend cannot tell me the full blown details about this game, it makes me wonder, especially since his comments were all gloomy. I have not heard back from FFG people about my email to them concerning the lack of information being put out there to this and other communities regarding this game, but have heard from one of my two friends at FFG, who again, tells me not to look forward to the future of this game.

Sad news, guys. I just hope they do keep to it and finish releasing these models, although I wonder if the lack of support from game stores will force them to drop the prices, as they tried to do with Rackham's AT-43 and Confrontation lines.

One can only hope.


A game can always live on if people keep playing it. I have a core game group who plays and we will play for years to come and will make our own rules and figures. What we as a community want is a commitment to finish the first basic miniatures from the starter set, or hopefully some of the ones seen like the ilian dead troopers etc... if not then tell us and give me a days notice for the fire sale because I will clean FFG out. demonio.gif


If they would release all the minis of the first set, this will be a good news ever.

Inquisitor Liss said:

A game can always live on if people keep playing it. I have a core game group who plays and we will play for years to come and will make our own rules and figures. What we as a community want is a commitment to finish the first basic miniatures from the starter set, or hopefully some of the ones seen like the ilian dead troopers etc... if not then tell us and give me a days notice for the fire sale because I will clean FFG out. demonio.gif


I totally understand what you mean about keeping the game going within your community; I have even created homebrew rules for tabletop play, as in using standard terrain and no hex grids of any kind.

Mutant Chronicles has a HUGE fanbase and this game, picked up within our own community really well; the miniatures game, Warzone still has a strong and thriving community. The love for this game is grand, but we deserve to know from the heads just what is going on. FFG has a history for being involved with their players, but this is just becoming too much.

As I said before, all we really CAN do, is wait for them to tell us just what the heck is going on.

Coral Beach said:

If they would release all the minis of the first set, this will be a good news ever.

Truly, that would be the best news ever! gran_risa.gif

In my own store, i sold a good number of starters at the beginning and also several boosters of every wave. Only Karak and the Ice Golem sold not very well (only four packs of each, still have two more packs on the shelf). I also collect every new warpack of the game, and we´re running our own campaign/league. Prices do not drop at the moment.

A "limited release" just with a first full collection from the starter miniatures would be okay for me. I collect a lot of miniatures games and i´am happy with games with a fixed start and ending point.

Keep on going FFG. aplauso.gif

It wouldn't surprise me if MC goes the way of the dinosaurs. I not seen much support of this game (by which I mean even carrying the product) at any of the FLGS I do or have had business with in the last 10 years. The only time I see this game was at cons or on online retailers.

I do think that right now would be a good time for FFG to reinvest in it and advertise it a bit more. The field of CMGs is thinning with Wizkid games (Heroclix) out of business, Wizards of the Coast refocusing their D&D minis for the RPG and not supporting the skirmish game anymore, though they still have and support the Star Wars mini game. The only real CMG competition seems to be Privateer Press with Monsterpocalypse and Upper Deck with WoW minis.

It's a no-brainer that MC will see an early demise. I've seen it heavily discounted and I can't get my son terribly interested in it. Nor can I can, frankly. If only I could use it with my terrain, but alas, the scale is wrong. Playing it as a board game doesn't turn my crank. Oh well, FFG should cut their losses and let it go. This is NOT the right economic climate to hold on to a retail dud.

Well, i think it´s also not the best behaviour to repeat in every single topic, that this game is probably dead. bostezo.gif

It´s still a good game and i still want to play it and i want the last missing miniaturs from the starter set, to complete all the factions.

Here in germany, we had our last releases at the beginning of february. Now it is the beginning of march, and Nikodemus is on the "Upcoming". So, everything is fine for me. Just a little bit slower than in the first starting months, but thats okay.

FFG will lose face if they dont "finish" the first set. They´ve put a lot of effort in this game over the past years. Yes, there were some problems with the marketing and the release delays, but they´ve also done a lot for this game.

I would be totally disappointed, if FFG give MC a a life cycle of less than a year without all the miniatures from the base set. llorando.gif

It's sad to say, Dominik, but things happen to games, and would you seriously put money into a game that gets you almost nothing in return? The fact that you are investing in the production, labor and distribution? This is one of FFG's worst ventures yet, and I know this, because my friend at FFG has shown me the numbers.

I am NOT saying I am not a fan of MC, because I love it to death, alright? I have Warzone, the RPG, Doomtrooper and TONS of these miniatures from the CMG. But you cannot stare at the inevitable and say it isn't so.

Yes, sure, I would love to see them finish the production of the first line, but with all of the problems right now, including the economic crisis here in the USA, people are NOT going to sell a product that does not sell.


Thank you for your words ... in have to confess, that´i´ve put a lot of feeling in this game and in my last posting. I´m sorry for that.

Well, i´m not blind about the failure of this game ... i just hope, they get the first set done. Thats all i want to have.

FFG just should answer the fans with a "thats it" or "first set will be finished an THEN thats it ...".


Just my two cents,

I've asked to the FFG marketing department if the game line will be disrupted after Archiniquisitor Nikodemus or after the last first set figure. The answer is : We have not yet announced the next release for Mutant Chronicles. We want to make sure everything is correct before we announce anything.

So the scenario of the last figures casting delay is privilegiated today.

Hi all! I just discovered the MC universe and this fine game a few days ago and really liked it. It would be to bad if it went out of production this fast. With warzone long gone before i even knew it existed, there's not really an alternative for shoving cool MC Minis around at the moment...

Did FFG develop this game, or do they only distribute it? I mean AT-43 got dropped by FFG too, and everyone said it's as good as dead. And now it's seems to be back to stay, with other distributors and sponsors. Is there a chance MC could pull of the same, or is it really dead and gone the instant FFG decides to stop it?

Tuivel said:


Did FFG develop this game, or do they only distribute it? I mean AT-43 got dropped by FFG too, and everyone said it's as good as dead. And now it's seems to be back to stay, with other distributors and sponsors. Is there a chance MC could pull of the same, or is it really dead and gone the instant FFG decides to stop it?

Well, this is one of the main questions, during the last months.

Tuivel said:

Hi all! I just discovered the MC universe and this fine game a few days ago and really liked it. It would be to bad if it went out of production this fast. With warzone long gone before i even knew it existed, there's not really an alternative for shoving cool MC Minis around at the moment...

Did FFG develop this game, or do they only distribute it? I mean AT-43 got dropped by FFG too, and everyone said it's as good as dead. And now it's seems to be back to stay, with other distributors and sponsors. Is there a chance MC could pull of the same, or is it really dead and gone the instant FFG decides to stop it?

I have followed this game since before release and was thrilled to hear about it, then i saw the sale and the style and was saddened. Not saying FFG hasn't tried to make a good game (I have'nt played it so i can't comment) BUT I am an old school Warzone player, and frankly I wish Thom would have had more time/money to put into Warzone (not really sure of the exact circumstances i just know Paradox pulled it form him). I know because of all the starts and stops of Warzone over the years that we will never see it in the format i so dearly love again, but i am still trying to rebuild my old Brotherhood army.

Not to slam on FFG but speaking of brotherhood... The new Nikodemus fig..UGGH! I wish they could have just made a new version of the old Warzone fig... NO HELMET! He was one of the bessed figs (along with Blessed Vestal Laura).


Has anyone seen the Mutant Chronicles movie trailer? Perhaps that would spur some renewed interest in the CMG.

Hi together,

first of all thnx to Dominik for the great MC Support in Germany.

For me, there are 2 questions:

1. On Archinqusitr Nikodemus base the date is 2007: So they have "made" the figures" in 2007. Why dont they publish the whole first wave

2. Instead they mad special fiures like karak and the ice golem ( i really like these figures ). Wha about max steiner etc....

I also play Wings of War and MoPo, but my heart belongs to MC.

Kennon said:

Has anyone seen the Mutant Chronicles movie trailer? Perhaps that would spur some renewed interest in the CMG.

yeah, its ben out there a lot. In fact you could pick up a dvd version (not sure which version you get) on e-bay right now. The game and the movie have very different feels to them though.

Max, as well as Mitch hunter, are supposed to be released. Not sure why FFg is taking such a piecemeal approach to the releases. I understood the 'wave' at the beginging, but am not sure why the waves are now one or two figs only? my only guess is it keeps costs down.

This game was a gamble to begin with. MC has always been a niche game no matter what form it was in and minis games are much harder to get off the ground the card games.

The real nail in the coffin though was when they switched from random boosters to fixed sets.

Not only did it push the release closer to that of WoW minis it set off the first domino that eventually brought down the whole game: releasing the packs in waves, an incredibly stupid idea. The game was going to have mediocre sales to begin with and carving up the prospective consumer base into fractions did not help. Lackluster sales of the first few waves due to people watiing for the specific packs they wanted meant a lot of stores who were on the fence about carrying the game dropped the later releases altogether. FF was also stupid to think (or the players were for believing the lie) they could get future releases out on the original (2 weeks between releases was it?) timeline.

Im not sure what the OP and this thread is trying to do. And a supposed friend at FFG who is spreading bad rumours? What kind of loyalty is that?! And he also has access to sales numbers from this game and also WoW minis?!? Am I the only one who thinks this smells a bit wrong? If I had an employee who was spreading bad rumours about the company and its products Id fire his ass.

Has FFG said anything official at all about killing this game? Point me to the source please.

AFAIK theyve bought a licence and put in all the money into making the game. They had all the figs arriving from China to HQ when they changed the format. I know some dislike it others dont. Whatever. The fact remains that there is a lot of product they want to sell. Its already payed for, right? Why on earth would they not attempt to do sell it?

Stay cool. The sky isn't falling...

xedric said:

Has FFG said anything official at all about killing this game? Point me to the source please.

No - but since january, things went very slow ... maybe too slow. Releases from Jan./Feb. were put in the future. No map pack was released (but a "similar" download) and there were nearly no news on the ffg website. serio.gif So the people are a little bit ... worried.

True. I understand that people need their fix, but honestly it's not that bad. The last news was 4 weeks ago. Or rather 24 days, but who is counting gui%C3%B1o.gif

I remember the similair discussion on the CoC boards a couple of years ago when everybody and their best friends uncles neighboor knew for a fact that FFG was going to kill off CoC. What happened? FFG reinvented CoC instead and they are still releasing new stuff for the game and doing everything in their power to build it. And why wouldnt they? Sure, itd be nice if theyd put in even more effort into it... Like I said, we need our fix. But nothing is dying just yet.

xedric said:

True. I understand that people need their fix, but honestly it's not that bad. The last news was 4 weeks ago. Or rather 24 days, but who is counting gui%C3%B1o.gif

I remember the similair discussion on the CoC boards a couple of years ago when everybody and their best friends uncles neighboor knew for a fact that FFG was going to kill off CoC. What happened? FFG reinvented CoC instead and they are still releasing new stuff for the game and doing everything in their power to build it. And why wouldnt they? Sure, itd be nice if theyd put in even more effort into it... Like I said, we need our fix. But nothing is dying just yet.


To my opinion, FFG just waits for the premiere of Mutant Chronicles movie on 24th of April in theatres - it will make clear - just to kill this game or let it live. Also, on the movie site there is a Ultimate Prize Giveaway contest - with the chance to win MC starters and miniatures among other prizes! This is the second chance to re-awake this interesting and unique miniature game! Will keep our fingers crossed gui%C3%B1o.gif

I have not been playing the FFG version of MC all that long. (Though I own nearly everything related to the MC world... the "In Lunacy" novels, all the RPG rulebooks, Siege of Citadel, Fury of the Clansmen, Warzone rules and figs, Doomtrooper cards, etc....) Now that I have jumped into this one I like what FFG has produced. My sons like it as well. So I really do not wonder about the future of this game. I know I will be playing it for years to come. I hope FFG supports the game further!! However, for me (and my sons) this game will remain in our active game shelf for years to come.

Bobby-Winky said:

Now that I have jumped into this one I like what FFG has produced. My sons like it as well. So I really do not wonder about the future of this game. I know I will be playing it for years to come.

My oldest son is 8. He loves MC. It was funny when he had thought about how much he liked the game and how to explain it to me he said "Out of all the board games you have dad, Mutant Chronicles is the first I would like to buy for myself". He and I play a lot of games and MC is his favourite. When we play with just the starter its even a fairly even game :)