Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. More bad news follows as I don't expect I will be updating very frequently for a long time. There are a few reasons for this:
1) I haven't been making much in the way of custom content, so production of the new has been very choked. This shouldn't be confused with a complete lack of content, I still have a lot to show (and a lot to test), but I will be slowing down the release rate for the sake of rationing the goods since production and creation have massively slowed down.
2) Nobody cares, as far as I know. I have yet to receive a single comment on anything here, except for a completely unrelated thing with Julia and a comment from Dr. Faust in a completely different board. Since I haven't really gotten any feedback on pretty much anything, I can safely assume that either everyone is silent or nobody cares. In fact, I bet nobody is reading this.
3) I would like more time to playtest existing and future content. This ultimately comes out as a plus since I will be releasing just as many balance tweaks and bug fixes in far fewer intervals, which for anyone that is using my stuff means you don't need to print papers out nearly as often to keep up. As someone that has printed out all of his content, I know how much it sucks reprinting things for this game.
4) I'm actually pretty busy now, and live is seriously catching up to me in a bad way. I need to focus on things that are in all honesty more important than these projects. As much fun as this hobby is, it doesn't create any opportunities for me as an adult.
With that out of the way, here's the most recent set of changes and new content.
5/12/2013 - Do you feel lucky?
NEW GUARDIAN: Saligrama, Arcana of Luck
-Saligrama can be found under the Arcana Heart section of Guardians.
Rachel Alucard
-Passing your personal story now places 2 clue tokens in each of two different unstable locations, instead of placing 1 clue token in each unstable location that doesn't have one.
Valkenhayn R. Hellsing
-You now fail your personal story if the doom track reaches 8 instead of 9. You still fail upon being knocked unconscious as an alternative.
The Cauldron (AO)
-One of the Sinister Plots has been changed from "Only Investigators Attack" to "Battle Event". Nothing about it has changed otherwise.
Agatha Prenderghast (AO)
-Worshippers got some word cleanup.
Nu -13-
>Nu is functioning the way I want, but it's still not quite perfect. Her original Archetype Shift was a little too strong, but the current one doesn't quite feel right. I'm confident now that I want to return the function to being Any Phase instead of limiting the phases, but I've also incorporated a fix to deal with it's absurd strength for encounters. Additionally, I've taken her Sword Summoner ability and given it a huge quality of life improvement all around.
-Sword Summoner is now "Pay 5 toughness for the first bladed weapon in the common item deck, or 10 for the unique deck instead".
-Archetype Shift has been reverted back to Any Phase, from Upkeep and Combat only. However, using Archetype Shift on an encounter phase now requires you to use it before drawing an encounter.
-Resident Bear no longer prevents trading of items. It now only prevents the trading of the Gate Box. Passing Teddie's personal story removes the trading restriction like before.
Yukiko Amagi
-Protection of the Faithful has been cleaned up and reworded in a way that makes it a little stronger than before.
Ragna the Bloodedge
-Personal Story Reward is now discarded when the Ancient One awakens.
-Personal Story Punishment also adds 1 to the terror level if triggered.
>Viktor is a very reasonably powered character, but I don't feel like he's especially exciting until his Hex Core has finished evolving, after which he's a very cool character. While I don't feel completely comfortable making his Evolving Technology stronger, I think this minor change will help Viktor reach his most unique functionality just a tad earlier.
-The Hex Core now only requires 5 counters to reach Evolution instead of 6.