New guy questions

By soraxkairi652, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

Hiya! I recently picked up the GoT LCG core set and had some questions about organized play. First of all what are the usable expansions for any upcoming tournaments? I realize its probably the core set along with the latest expansions, but i would love knowing what is considered "recent." My other question, what are the big upcoming tournaments? Is there a worlds or players championship at gen con or something similiar? Thanks for any help!


You can find a list of tourney legal sets in the tournament rules, available here . Basically, all expansions ever released for the LCG are tourney legal.

Regional Season is April-June. Dates for Regionals will be published in February. GenCon hosts the North American Championship. The World Championship is at FFG's World Championship weekend in November. There's other tournaments too, the Moonboy Classic in Missouri in February, Calicon in October, Black Friday in NYC in November.

In Europe, there's Regional Season too, plus a few smaller events year round. Additionally, there will be an international circuit of top level tournaments for the first time this year, with events in Spain and Italy already announced, and more planned in France and Poland. The apogee of the European tournament calendar is the European Championship at Castle Stahleck, Germany in November.