Might Descent be a game for me?

By BigToe, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Don't know what the policy for mentioning non-FFL games is, but since this is only my second post, I feel I don't have much to lose. ;)

I loved the old Hero Quest and Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel-games, and is currently looking for something similar. When I asked someone, they told me I should look for either Descent or some game called "Runebound" or something like that. After looking around on the interwebs, I thought it seemed like Descent was more similar to those games I just mentioned.

So, how is it? Is it similar to those games? Does FFL have any other games that might be more like something I'm looking for?


Edited by Zargon

Yeah, Descent is extremely like HeroQuest, just larger and more complex, and IMO, cooler.

The base game does have a lack of continuity. You reset characters between missions, because you go so deep into a dungeon and get so much good stuff. There is an expansion out that creates a full on campaign (And slows down progression) but it's best to know if you like the game first, and have players, before investing that much.

I do happen to have Hero Quest at home - Descent has one distinct advantage over it: the OverLord (the guy who acts for the monsters and traps and stuff) gets to be a cmpetitive player.

As for Runebound, that game is nowhere near Hero quest in terms of game type; I also think it is not a rewarding game experience.

If you loved Siege of the Citadel, you might want to try Doom as well. Doom feels an awful lot like an upgrade to Siege of the Citadel, and it's only 1 or 2 hours longer in playtime per mission.

Descent resembles MC:SotC more than it does Heroquest, and it's very long (at least 4 hours per most quests for experienced players), but it's a great game and a great dungeon crawl. Runebound is a different style of game entirely: you go from encounter to encounter instead of moving through a dungeon.