I've just begun a huge project: A stand alone expansion (it doesn't require any of the original game/expansions to play with; infact, it can't be played with them) in the theme of Fallout (mainly 3). No rules would change, excpet that insteald of dollars there would be bottle caps. The monsters would all be monsters from Fallout 3. The (fully-sized) game board would infact be The Capital Wasteland. The rest will stay the same: There will other worlds, alien-themed Ancient Ones, etc. There will also be street encounters (see this: new.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_foros_discusion.asp )
Would you play in such "expansion"? Would you like me to upload updates and samples when my work progresses and finally, the entire expansion?
I'm just getting started. ETA: At least a month I believe.
Here's a prototype version of the game board: (as you can see there are no monster movement and no other world. it's still in prgress. btw I chose the leave the money at dollars as it's more convinient)
click pic for a large, readable version