Lightning Attack/Two Weapon Wielder question

By Jebidiah, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Hey there,

If I use Lightning Attack with Two Weapon Wielder (melee and ballistic), and have say a power blade in one hand and an autopistol in the other.

I understand that normally I can make my three attacks with the melee weapon, and a single attack with the pistol. Normally this would be a single shot, since I am in melee.

However, if I dispatch the target who I was in melee with, then could I not fire the autopistol on full auto?

The rules for two ballistic weapons allow both to be fired on whatever mode you want (ie both on full auto, one on full one on semi, etc), so if the secondary attack can be full auto when using two pistols, why not when using a sword and a pistol?



Honestly, this is an area where the rules have been inconsistent across the different versions of the game. I can't seem to recall what exactly is the case in Dark Heresy, but I would say that killing the enemy is not enough to allieviate the problem. You spent an action to get a certain amount of benefits (1 full action to lightning attack/ 1 attack with offhand, all at penlaties), so I would leave that as such.

What he said, additionally the lighting attack is a full action, so you have to mix in the off hand attack. Up to GM, but I would rule single shot as in melee, and the applicable penalty to shoot a target different from the one you are engaged.

Jebidiah said:

The rules for two ballistic weapons allow both to be fired on whatever mode you want (ie both on full auto, one on full one on semi, etc), so if the secondary attack can be full auto when using two pistols, why not when using a sword and a pistol?

Because by RAW you can't use a pistol (or any other ranged weapon) on Semi- or Full Auto in Meele Combat, only single shots are allowed. Lightning Attack applies only to to meele combat so you can only attack 3 times with your meele weapon and get 1 single shot with a pistol or an additional attack with another meele weapon held in the other hand against any enemy which is in meele range (must not be the one you attacked first).