Join us for the FIRST EotE Episode of the Order 66 Podcast! This Sunday!

By GM Chris, in General Discussion

That's right!

Those who've been following along know that the long-running Order 66 Podcast has transitioned away from the Star Wars Saga Edition RPG, to will be moving to FFG's Star Wars system. In fact, we just released our "last" Saga Edition Episode.

The NEW Order 66 Podcast will be releasing it's very first episode this Sunday night, at 8:30pm CST! And you should join us for the live simulcast. Watch the podcast live, as it's recorded, and take part in Echo Base - our live chat - with other gamers and fans, at . We're pleased to welcome back special guest, and Edge of the Empire lead designer, Jay Little!

Sunday's episode will debut our all-new format, with several special segements. On the docket for our first episode:

- The winner reveal for our Liner Contest! The winner gets a free copy of the EotE Beta book and TWO dice sticker sheets!

- The "new" Docking Bay, where the GM's take the time to answer questions about the system from our listeners.

- An introduction and discussion of the core dice mechanic, with Jay Little.

- The debut of "Skill Monkey", a new segment from d20Radio veteran podcaster Fiddleback, all about bringing great results and storytelling into the narrative dice system.

- The first half of our previously recorded "Celebrity Game"! Our players:

  • Sterling Hershey: Edge of the Empire developer, who's dev chops go all the way back to WEG star wars.
  • Christopher West: RPG Cartographer and avid gamer who's worked on some of the most popular systems ever created.
  • Andy Hurley: Rock Star. Drummer for Fallout Boy and numerous other bands, and hardcore Star Wars RPG junkie.
  • Dom Crawford: D&D, Pathfinder, and Star Wars organized play veteran GM and organizer

If any of you have any rules or systems questions you'd like the GMs to tackle - post them up in the Docking Bay thread over at the d20radio boards, or email them to me at You can also call in your questions via voice-mail, for live play on the show, at 262-d20radio (262-320-7234). Or just to leave a liner (telling us why you NEVER listen to the Order 66 Podcast).

We'll see you all on Sunday night!

Peace, Love, and Good Gaming.

Man, we enjoyed that episode! You all can download it immediately from iTunes, or directly from the Order 66 Podcast Feed:

We've also got the first half of our first session of the Celebrity Skype Game up on the feed! Enjoy…

Big thanks to Jay Little for joining us, again!

I hope I get to hear this podcast soon. You guys really need to work on usability for new listeners.. Your homepage has no link to latest episode, you forum doesn't have a link.. It really is VERY hard to find a link to your show. The best one I found was in here, and I tried the one first, but that simply doesn't start - ever - in any browser.. And for mobile it's a paid app with approximately the worst reviews I have seen for an Apple app ever..

While I've been writing this I have been waiting for the feedburner "play now" link to work, and it still hasn't started..

Too bad really.. I listened to your podcast around the time Saga edt. started, and it was very good.. That's why I remembered the Order 66 name and wanted to check up on you guys with regards to EotE.. But this is really frustrating..

I think I made it work now by right-clicking and choosing "save as" on the feedburner page.. But really guys, you need to fix this for new listeners :) ..

Heard both the episode and the actual play session (half a session?). I really laugh out loud with the Skill Monkey. Looking forward to hear the rest of the session and the next regular podcast.

How offtin will you guys be posting episodes? I enjoyed the first episode, it really helped me grasp the mechanics when I sat down for my first game. Can't wait for more.

Thank you all for the replies. :-)

@Theheib The holiday's are a bit funky - as we'll be out of it for a few weeks. BUT… early January you can expect the next episode. We generally have a new episode released every 2 weeks. Sometimes sooner. ;-)

The best thing to do to stay informed:

- Follow me on Twitter: @GMChris

- Follow us on Facebook: d20 Radio

- Join our forums:

We post up and tweet new episode announcements before they happen - so you'll even have the chance to catch the episode live via simulcast. :-)

blaznee said:

I hope I get to hear this podcast soon. You guys really need to work on usability for new listeners.. Your homepage has no link to latest episode, you forum doesn't have a link.. It really is VERY hard to find a link to your show. The best one I found was in here, and I tried the one first, but that simply doesn't start - ever - in any browser.. And for mobile it's a paid app with approximately the worst reviews I have seen for an Apple app ever..

While I've been writing this I have been waiting for the feedburner "play now" link to work, and it still hasn't started..

Too bad really.. I listened to your podcast around the time Saga edt. started, and it was very good.. That's why I remembered the Order 66 name and wanted to check up on you guys with regards to EotE.. But this is really frustrating..

I think I made it work now by right-clicking and choosing "save as" on the feedburner page.. But really guys, you need to fix this for new listeners :) ..

This is good feedback, blaznee. We honestly don't get it that often - as most of our listeners are subscribed to the feed through iTunes or a similar application.

We're continually updating the d20radio homepage with improvements - and I'll get your suggestion to our webmaster ASAP.

In the meantime, you can always access the raw feed here: I'm not having any issues with the "play now" or just clicking the hyperlink. But I don't use IE, only Chrome and Firefox. And yes - you can always right click on the hyperlink and "Save As" to download the file for later listening.