Deathwatch White Elephant Gift Exchange

By Narbolis, in Deathwatch Gamemasters

So I was completely unprepared for my group's latest Deathwatch session; I have been too busy with work to develop an in-depth and interesting plot and the location we left off at the previous session was limiting (locked in underground tunnels) with regards to freedom of movement and action. I feel bad, so I think for our next session, I am going to spice things up in accordance with some fun real-life Holiday traditions.

To treat them for their patience, and to mix things up, I think I am going to have a white elephant gift exchange with in-game prizes/curses. Here are the some of the things I have brainstormed so far:


-a requisition purity seal - grants permanent +20 requisition

-a bonus XP seal - grants permanent +10% bonus XP

-a follower (most likely will be a serf or one of the floating skulls)

-+1500 XP

-2 free advanced skills

-1 armor upgrade (battle damage, legendary, etc.)

-really rare, awesome grenade (like a vortex grenade)


-a +10 corruption/session curse. I would develop some sort of sidestory for the group to do in order to stop the curse and undo the corruption gained on that individual.

-become hunted sporadically

-Mystery curse. For this one, I would just tell the player that he/she is cursed and would randomly have bad things happen to them. This would be more for fun and I would probably never have it negatively affect their in-game performances.

Really, my intent with this is to just have fun and to see how the players pick and steal from each other. I only have five players, so not all of the bonuses/curses would be used, but I want there to some variation in the bonuses and I don't want to force anyone to have a curse (unless they keep it if they've drawn it).

I already sent out a mass-text to my players to give them a heads up, and it was fun to listen to their excitement (and their complaining--some of them think I'm too harsh of a GM :P ). Anyways, has anyone else tried something like this? Let me know what you think!

I ran a PbP and I gave out free stuff for the holidays and the game's 1 year anniversiary. I thing I gave some XP, renown, and a sig wargear to each player over the course of both. My players were pretty taken aback with it, they didn't expect it. I'd say you have a good set up. Maybe throw in a Chapter relic item, a minor one of course.

cool idear! are you just giving them the goodies, or is there some sort of adventure/Watch Fortress challenge they must complete? (i.e. some sort of training mission, with their Captain/Commander rewarding them the goodies for their performance? Or a dream-quest of some kind, presided over by their Chaplain/Librarian/Primarch/the Emperor?)