The Return of the Sad Shack

By Archimedes2, in UFS Trading

Hey everybody, figure I better start up my trade thread again seeing as I'm looking for cards.

1) My EMAIL is [email protected]. The lack of a PM system here is atrocious.

2) My WANT LIST is first, if you do not have stuff on my want list, please do not making a trade. Please do not send me an email with a link to your trade thread with "See my list", as it's lazy. If you have what I need, open with an offer and we can discuss it.

3) I prefer shipping within North America, but if the trade is good enough I can be persuaded to ship over seas.

4) Ref rules apply.

5) I also play Magic: The Gathering. If you're looking for stuff from Lorwyn/Shards block please ask and I'll see if I have it. I'm also looking for some stuff, but this isn't the place for that.

6) I have a bunch of characters, I'm just too lazy to type them up. If you're looking for anything in specific, please ask.



Counter the Assault x4 (PRIORITY WANT PLZ K)

Olcadon's Mentoring x4

Seal of Cessation x4

Ira Spinta x3

Chester's Backing x2 (these would be reaaaallllly nice)

Seclusion x3

Tiger Fury x2

Kuzuryu Reppa x4

Neo Raging Storm x4




Seclusion x1

The Price of Foolishness x2

Death Cross Dancing x2

Punish the Weak x4

Final Confrontation x4

High Tide x2

Flashy Leg Work x3

Clean Rematch x2

Soul absorption x4

Caught up in the Moment x4

Genocide x3

Taking them Down a Level x1

Igyo Tenshin No Jutsu

Yoga Adept x4

Preventing the Curse x3

About Face x2


Lynette’s Shop x4

The Blowfish Blade x2

Assassination Arts x2

Cage Arena x4

Cathedral Overlook x4

Field of Storms x4

Impossible Contortion x4

Ancient Training Ground x1

Broken Leg x4

Reanimated x4

Bleeding Internally x4

Magic Shop x4

Yoshitora’s Girlfriends x3

Romanian Valley x4

The Stars Aligned x3

The Evil-Doer Destroyer x3

Mei-lin’s ward x2

Supernatural Heritage x2

The Nine Commandments x2

A Cat’s Reflexes x1

Pigeon Games x3

Explosive Earrings x1


Strife’s Patronage x4

The Red Lotus of the Sun x4 (FOIL)

Giradot’s Leadership x3

Revenant’s Calling x5

Charismatic x4

Searching for a Real Challenge x4

Demuth’s Sponsorship x2

Tira’s Contract x2

Greed’s Influence x3

Cutting Edge x4

Aurelia’s Companionship x2

Deadly Ground x1


Psycho Cannon x2

Sardine’s Beach Special x3

Sakura’s Shoryuken x3

Akuma’s Hadoken x1

Somersault Skill Diver x1

Jaguar Thousand x4

Raising Storm x2

Nagase’s Unrelenting Fire x1

Yuchoka x1

Ice Coffin x4

Freezing Execution x3

Reverse Flayer x2

Wicked Chew x1

Neo Deadly Rave x2

Imeru Shikite x2

Rera Kishima Tek x2

Okami Ni Noru x1

125 Rapids of Rage x4

Lunar Slash x2

Cutlass Europa x4

Feline Spike x3 (gooooood luck)

Ira Spinta x1 (again, good luck)

Mega Spike x3

Demon Cradle x4

Tsurane Kiri x4

Darkness Blade x3

Circuit Scrapper x4

Change Immortal x1

Dark Force, Mirage Body x4

Need ira spinta , feline spike and lunar slash let me know arch .

Arch- e-mailed you regarding possible trade. (bump?)

Sent you a reply regarding the 2x The Stars Aligned I'm interested in.