Homebrew Zeison Sha

By Thebearisdriving, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

Homebrew universal specialization to represent a Zeison-Sha Adept.

The requisites for this specialzation are:
Force rating 1, Move power 1st control upgrade.
Specialization benefits: the character requires half the normal food and water
career skils: resiliance, discipline

I haven't settled on stats for the disc blade. it should be competitive with vibro weapons, and have a medium or short range. If anyone has ideas i'm open to them.

Zeison Sha talents:

Subsume Injury (Force)
Ranked: No
Action: Incidental
Effect: Once per session the adept can reduce the roll on a critical hit by 30.

Recover Disc Blade (Force)
Ranked: No
Action: Maneuver/Incidental
Effect: As a maneuver you can recall any disc blades thrown this round back to your hand. You may activate this power as an incidental as part of an attack for one advantage.

Telekinetic Throw (Force)
Ranked: No
Effect: When making a thrown weapon attack, you may roll a number of force dice equal to your force rating. Every force point result adds one advantage.

Disc Blade Arc (Force)
Ranked: No
Action: Standard
Effect: When making a discblade attack you may walk the attack as if the weapon possessed autofire. This follows all the normal autofire rules, may target only targets within medium range and may only hit each target once.

Stagger (Force) [This talent i'd like to make a contested check that deals minimal damage (2-3) points. I could just make it a discipline check, but that seems…easy]
Ranked: No
Action: Maneuver
Effect: A target within short range is pushed a couple meters back. This push is not powerful enough to move the target out of it's rangeband, but it is enough to move a target out of cover, or interupt a delicate action (picking a lock, hot wire a vehicle, knock someone from the drivers seat, disrupting aim).

Frustrating Dodge (Force)
Ranked: No
Action: Passive
Effect: When using the dodge talent any attack that targets you generates one automatic threat.

Telekinetic Power (Force)
Ranked: Yes
Action: Passive
Effect: When making attacks using a Disc Blade, or using the Move power, increase the damage by 1 point.

Intercept (Force)
Ranked: Yes
Action: Incidental
Effect: You may spend a destiny point to interpose debris and clutter into the path of an attack. You may do this in response to an attack that is targeted within short range. That attack suffers 2 setback dice. Each rank of intercept increases the range by one bracket.

Force Shield (Force)
Ranked: Yes
Action: Passive
Effect: All damage sustained by the adept is reduced by 1 point. This reduction occurs before soak, and is not affected by the pierce or breach qualities.

Telekinetic Surge (Force)
Ranked: Yes
Action: incidental
Effect: By spending a destiny point you may increase the number of force dice rolled during a use of the Move power or when making an attack with a disc blade. You may increase the number of force dice rolled by one per rank in this talent, and each additional die rolled inflicts 2 strain. You may use this talent to use the move power even if your normal force dice are commited to ongoing effects and you would have a normal force die pool of 0.

5 Hunter Uncanny Senses Recover Disc Blade Susume Injury
| |
10 Telekinetic Surge Intercept Strong Arm - Stagger
| | | |
15 Intercept Force Shield Telekinetic Throw Frustrating Dodge
| | | |
20 Heightened Awareness - Balance - Disc Blade Arc Telekinetic Power
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25 Dedication Force Shield - Telekinetic Power - Telekinetic Surge

The talent tree specifically doesn't have force rating, as the zeison sha were more practical and focused on improving their telekinetic powers. This spec I envision being used with the fringer/scout specs

I'm open to thoughts that might make sub par choices better, or thoughts on the whole.

Similar to my opening remark regarding your attempt at the Jensaarai, it feels like you're trying to add too many d20-based mechanics to a non-d20 game. As well as perhaps just generating new mechanics simply for the sake of new mechanics, something that rarely ends well.

The "half required food & drink" benefit feels at odd with a Force tradition that's supposed to be heavy on the TK. Also, just providing this bonus flat-out for buying the Specialization is at odds with how every other specialization in EotE works.

So here's my response on the talents on a case-by-case basis:

Subsume Injury
Needs a cost, as a full-bore -30 on a crit result is pretty sweet. I'd suggest making it cost a LS Destiny Point. The once per session bit isn't needed as PCs generally won't be facing more than a single critical hit during an encounter, unless they're simply having a bad night. Also, this sort of thing is better suited to the Matukai with their body manipulation abilities than the TK-masters that the Zeison Sha are supposed to be.

Recover Disc Blade
I'd cut it down to just the "recover weapon" ability, but have it cost 2 Advantage as it's effectively negating the Limited Ammo 1 trait that a thrown weapon would have.

Telekinetic Throw
Since most thrown weapons tend to be pretty short-range, change the talent to extend the weapon of the disc blade to Medium.

Disc Blade Arc
Firstly, the whole "walking fire" aspect got removed as of the Final Week Update, so this relies on mechanics that functionally no longer exist. Perhaps instead change the wording to "You can affect a number of additional targets equal to your Force Rating with a single attack, provided the additional targets are within Short Range of the initial target, which must be declared before making the attack roll, using the highest difficulty amongst the selected targets. You suffer 1 Strain per additional target attacked."

Again, this feels more like it should be attached to the Move power directly instead of being a specialization talent. And frankly, maybe not even then, as a PC could just as easily use the Move Power to achieve similar results. Remember, things aren't quite as hard-coded in EotE as they were in d20.

Frustrating Dodge
Honestly, just replace this with the Dodge talent.

Telekinetic Power
I'd just change the name to Disc Blade Expertise or something along those lines, and restrict it Disc Blade damage only. Attacking with the Move Power already has the ability to generate extra damage by way of the opposed Discipline check that's involved.

Drop this entirely, and use the Side Step talent, only with a description of the Zeison Sha using their telekinesis to put stuff in between them and the shooterd.

Force Shield
Drop this and replace it with Enduring.

Telekinetic Surge
Frankly, I don't like the mechanics on this at all, partcularly since it's very easiliy available as a Row 2 talent, even if it costs a Destiny Point. And I've got no idea what to replace it with either, so thinking it should just be discarded entirely and replaced with something else.

Donovan Morningfire said:

Telekinetic Throw
Since most thrown weapons tend to be pretty short-range, change the talent to extend the weapon of the disc blade to Medium.

Again, this feels more like it should be attached to the Move power directly instead of being a specialization talent. And frankly, maybe not even then, as a PC could just as easily use the Move Power to achieve similar results. Remember, things aren't quite as hard-coded in EotE as they were in d20.

Telekinetic Power
I'd just change the name to Disc Blade Expertise or something along those lines, and restrict it Disc Blade damage only. Attacking with the Move Power already has the ability to generate extra damage by way of the opposed Discipline check that's involved.

Telekinetic Surge
Frankly, I don't like the mechanics on this at all, partcularly since it's very easiliy available as a Row 2 talent, even if it costs a Destiny Point. And I've got no idea what to replace it with either, so thinking it should just be discarded entirely and replaced with something else.

Again, force shield requires commiting a force die to, so it has a very high "cost" associated. I don't know if that was apparent, since this cost was missed on the jensaarai post, and I just want to make sure the full cost of the talent is apparent.

Telekinetic surge - It is a row 2 talent, but requires going to row 4 and back down. So while it may be only be 10 xp, is requires a total commitment of 95xp. And it's sufficiently subpar compared to the force rating talent. I can't comment on your opinion of the mechanic, but the talent is far from accessible.

TK power - by this same logic all abilities that add damage are useless, like Point blank Shot, Barrage, deadly accuracy, etc. If it's too strong I can understand, but the logic above is not really valid considering talents that exist.

Stagger - This one is tough for me. I wanted something vague and narrative, and it should only cost a manuever so it shouldn't be good. i don't like what I came up with exactly, but I'm unsure how to progress.

TK throw - Strong arm already increases the range of the disc blade, and this is again a replication of the overwhelm emotions talent in the exile spec, so i don't understand why it's too complicated or objectionable.

Other things you pointed out are good and I will tkae them into account. This was definitely a "first draft" so i will do some serious tooling on this.

After thinking about this class, I've come up with a couple changes:
-Force shield will be usable once per session and reduce damage from an attack by two points (again, ignoring pierce and breach). The ranks will increase the number of times per session you may use it.
-Subsume injury is replaced by forager (this talent while fitting a survival theme, is much more a matukai talent and will be incorporated into that tree later)
-Intercept is now a once persession, with no range limit on where the target is (essentially duplication touch of fate in reverse for only ranged attacks). Ranks will increase the number of times usable in a session.
- I am going to redesign stagger to interact with attacks, possibly building on disorient. I'm still thinking of a mechanic that represents what I would like.
-Frustrating dodge is going to be replaced by Shield of Debris. Shield of debris is a maneuver to activate, and two strain per rank. for each strain suffered, any attack targeting the character for the turn generates one automatic threat.

From other people's feedback in the forums and by PM, I'm trying to clean out the ongoing effects of talents. For now, it just seems more complicated than it is worth.

For force shield, this puts it on par with toughened, with the added benefit of possibly being able to reduce the damage on an attack that could crit to 0, thus negating a crit. However, the basis of this talent essentially adds two "virtual" wounds to the character.

I made frustrating dodge to try and encourage/synergize this spec with the fringer spec, but the flavor on it didn't seem right. This way you can affect an attack against you, but in a different way, and it can be used in tandem with dodge, so I think that still plays out nicely (and can help reduce special qualities like autofire and linked).

Intercept is a skill that is based on touch of fate, but from an "infliciting penalty" standpoint rather than a "gain bonus" POV. It would trade off 1:1 with sense danger, but it is much more restrictive since it applies only to ranged attacks. It's important that it can help defend others too, since part of the sha philosophy involves defending those close to you (family, etc.).

I like telekinetic surge as is for now, but I may reduce it to a single talent and change the cost up and or down. At present one slot of the talent plays out well in my group (the PC used it three times so far, and 2 of the 3 times he rolled only darkside with the bonus die, but the third time he was quite happy with 2 force points that time).

I will post a more formal update to those talents and the changes to the tree shortly.

…. is all i can really say again too much focus on combat only skills and stuff blah blah another force use tree and still no jango fett mandalorian hunter tree.