In the Grim Dark future there are only Legos.

By PantsCommander, in Rogue Trader

So for my campaign we've been using Legos instead of miniatures for a few reasons, but mostly bang for the buck, as we can more easily reuse pieces for different scenes. Plus it lets me buy legos, which for a 30-something childless man is a good thing.

Anyway, I've whipped up some ships for this week's game, and I thought I'd post them. I'm pretty happy with them, except maybe the colors.

Aconite-class Eldar frigate

IMAG0002.jpg IMAG0004.jpg

Vagabond-class merchant trader


Sword-class Frigate (with lance, so I guess it's more Firestorm)


The last one is the player ship, so I might change that a bit as I get new parts.

Very nice! I'd think that Ork ships might be especially easy to construct with Legos. I'm looking forward to seeing some more of your work.

Oh man, that's genius. Imperial Ships are already so blocky, it works perfectly!

When it comes time to represent Eldar ships, you're probably best off using Mac products.

They are great for terrain and verry reusable. 704728_10151173292362730_529781249_o.jpg

Ive been using Mega Bloks myself…check out the Halo and World of Warcraft sets get for human ork and eldar

Wow, great job on those ships. Very cool. Which lego sets did you use to build them?

One of my players built the PC's ship out of lego, I'll have to post it here later.

Appropriately enough, a mix of the Pirates Of The Carribbean and Star Wars sets. I also use a set from the Mars Attacks set and a few bits from the new Monster Hunters line, which is really useful for characters because there is one with a swapable cyber-arm. On the character side, the blind-box Minifigs are great for overly specialized characters (our power armored Rogue Trader uses a slightly modified space armor guy) if you don't mind getting the occasional Santa Claus in the mix.

I'm swiping this idea for our group, at least for ships. I've built our Firestorm-class frigate. Now, I won't hog your thread by posting pics, but when I get around to make an art gallery, I'll post it. Now, to build that Lunar-class cruiser we encountered…

By all means, go ahead and post yours. Maybe if we get enough interest, Lego will make a 40k set (a girl can dream….)

Looking at the stats for Worldbreaka makes me kind of want to do it, although if I keep the scale it'll be over a foot long. Might be cool.

Ok, if you say so :D

Anyway, here's our Firestorm Frigate, complete with lance weapon.

Front view

Fun fact is that all the parts are from the same set.

Back view

Back view.

Comparison view

Know what that yellow plate is? It's the baseplate to a Lunar cruiser, to scale. Why it's yellow? Well, normal people might find themselves with a new tatoo after waking up from a two-day drunken tour of Vegas. Jeremiah Blitz, however, wakes up after a two week poker match, owning a Writ of Trade and then GLIDING THE WHOLE **** SHIP.


Think about that for a second.

You, sir, are a genius! This is just too cool. Why haven't I thought of this before!?

Aajz_Solari said:

You, sir, are a genius! This is just too cool. Why haven't I thought of this before!?

My thoughts exactly!! Bravo!