Not having an edit button (for long term editing) is harsh. Sigh.
So, Here is an initial pitch for a jensaarai specialization. This is a universal specilaization similar to Force Exile but with a couple key differences.
Some symbols used:
<o> ongoing power: you must commit a force die to this power, during which time it is unavailable to power other traits.
For the purposes of this class Jensaarai Armor is any type of Armor with the Cortosis quality. Jensaarai Armor increases the cost of the Armor by 25,000 credits, is typically illegal or highly regulated, and NO jensaarai would ever sell his armor, as that is like selling a part of your soul!!!!!!!!!!
First, the Pre-req for entry is Force Rating 2.
Second, this is only the apprentice level of Jensaarai, and thus it is not a wholistic look at the entire tradition.
Special talents for the tradition:
Force Cloak (Force)-
Ranked: Yes
Action: Special
Effect: <o> Attempts to dicern you with either the force (including the sense power) or with electronic devices (optics, trip lines, motionsensors, etc.) suffer one set back die. For every rank beyond the first, the number of setback die increase by 1.
Ballistakinesis (Force)-
Ranked: Yes
Action: Special
Special: this talent requires the control upgrade allowing attacks with the Move power. you may learn this talent without that upgrade, but you may not benefit from it's effects.
Effect: <o> When activating the move power, you may throw very small objects at powerful speeds. When using the move to attack a target, you may improvise a weapon from objects of almost anysize and composition, but they generate one automatic threat when you do as improvised weapons.
Also as long as no object lifted is larger than size 0, you may activate your magnitude upgrades as though you had rolled one additiona force point with your force dice (this does not eliminate the need to get at least one force point on the roll). For every rank beyond the first you gain 2 advantage on the attack roll which may be use explicitly to increase the number of hits when attacking with multiple objects.
Darkside Resistance (force)-
Ranked: Yes
Action: Passive
Effect: When tapping the darkside to turn darkside points to force points when using a force dice, the strain suffered from doing so is reduced by one point, to a minimum of one.
Deflect (Force)-
Ranked: Yes
Action: Passive
Effect: When weilding a Lightsaber, your ranged defense increases by 1.
Block (Force)-
Ranked: Yes
Action: Passive
Effect: When weilding a Lightsaber, your melee defense increases by 1.
Jensaarai Customization-
Ranked: Yes
Action: Passive
Effect: as the tinkerer talent, save that it only applies to the Jensaarai Armor or armor Personally owned by the Jensaarai. The number of hardpoints an armor can benefit from do stack.
Forge Jensaarai Armor (Force)-
Ranked: No
Action: Passive
Effect: You have been completed the rights of Jensaarai Armor creation. You may now create Jensaarai Armor. Also, when modifying an armor attachment for your Jensaarai armor, you may roll a number of force dice up to your force rating, with force points granting successes.
Surge (Force)-
Ranked: No
Action: Incidental
effect: when making an athletics check you may roll a number of force dice up to your force rating. Force points indicate successes, and darkside points generate threat on the roll.
Attune Armor (force)-
Ranked: No
Action: Special
Effect: <o> When wearing Jensaarai armor (or armor the Jensaarai has modified with Jensaarai Customization) the defense increases by 1 (original idea is to increase the soak by 2, but I feel like the soak on these bad boys is already going to be massive).
Ranked: Yes
Action: Standard (you know, an action)
Effect: Make an athletics check at hard difficulty. If the check succeeds all allies engaged with you gain a +1 bonus to their defense. For every 2 extra successes on the check their defense increases by an additional +1. This effect remains until the start of your next turn. Your defense decreases by 2 during this time.
Linked Defense-
Ranked: No
Action: Incidental
Effect: By spending a destiny you may select a single ally within short range that has been hit by an attack. You move to engaged range with that ally and you are hit by the attack, sufferring all effects as though you were the original target.
Lightsaber Training-
Ranked: No
Action: Passive
Effect: The character gains Lightsaber as a career skill and can use lightsabers with proficiency. Further, the character can build lightsabers if they possess the proper components. When modifying lightsaber modifications the character gains 2 boost dice on checks.
5 |
Linked Defense | Armor Mastery | Stalker | |||
| | | | | | |||||
10 | Block | - | Surge | Jensaarai Customization | Force Cloak | ||
| | | | | | |||||
15 | Deflect | - | Interference | Jensaarai Cusomization | Ballistikinesis | ||
| | | | ||||||
20 | Darkside Resistance | Darkside Resistance | Forge Jensaarai Armor | Ballistikinesis | |||
| | | | | | | | ||||
25 | Dedication | - | Attune Armor | - | Force Rating | - | Force Cloak |
Ok. so that's my initial concept. Above this would be the Jensaarai defender, and possibly (though I doubt it a saarai kar). Let me know what you think