I really like this system and would like to adopt this over Saga. That being said we only have Beta rules right now and I am impatient
I am thinking in the meantime that with a little work I can create a few careers, simple force powers and basic starship guidlines for making ships not present in the book.
As for Careers, I personally think Jedi deserve being a career. I am playing with the idea of a Soldier with maybe Fighter Pilot/Trooper/Medic Specializations. While the Smugglers do have a Pilot Specialization it seems more defensive. As for Sith I think they should be a "dark mirror" of the Jedi Career. I was thinking the three Jedi/Sith Specializations should start and have the option to gain Force Rating 1 (up to 2) and then have three "Universal Specializations" for Alter, Control and Sense.
As for Force Powers I think less is more, having far fewer powers than Saga edition but having each power be more flexible (as what seems to be their idea). In addition to Move, Influence and Sense I think there should be: Strike (Force Push/Slam), Trance (Healing Self), Farsight, Absorb (Rebuke/Negate Energy), Stasis (with Grip and Whirlwind options), Channel (Healing Others), Sever Force (Block use of Dark Side Points), Force Lightning (and Storm) and Rage. Other abilities would be covered by Talents.
For Starships how do you guys think armor should go by Silhouette? Im guessing armor will range from 1-10 and Hull Trauma will range from 6-200. As for batteries I think they will be handled with the Linked Quality and number of minion gunners equal to guns. For example a Stardestroyer Turbolaser battery would have Linked 5 and roll 2 Proficiency Die and One Ability die per shot.
What do you guys think of the above? Would any of you be interested on working with me to create the above?