Worth getting?

By Cigar, in Tannhauser

Hello all,

Roughly 5 years ago I purchased the Tannhauser core set. As much as I loved the art direction and theme (occult nazis ftw!), the rulebook left MUCH to be desired as me and my father were left with endless rule questions.

I ended up selling my game on ebay, but continued to watch its progress over the years. I noticed there was a revised rule book that was released as well as a proverbial boatload of miniatures and expansions to further flesh out the game.

My question for all you veterans is this: Is the game worth getting back into? I only ask this now because I noticed the incredible sale on Tannhauser stuff that's going on right now. Seems like the best time to get back in, especially if they will end up cancelling its print in the future (just read about that). However, I have no idea how much the game changed with the new rule book. Furthermore me and dad only played 2 games before realizing that we didn't know enough about the gameplay mechanics to continue playing.

Any unbiased and detailed responses are most welcome.


If you decide to get back into the game. I recommend you get the new rulebook. It is much improved. The sales definitely has good deals. I purchased all the minis I was missing.

I too have heard that they are planning to discontinue publishing the game. That is disappointing.

Tannhäuser is definitely worth getting into. The new rules are a great improvement and the basic rules are worded clearly (I had no problems with them although English isn't my native language!). If there are questions regarding special abilities or equipment, a lot of those have been answered (or will be answered if you ask) on this site. Plus, you have a lot of different characters to choose from even though there won't be new ones.

Tannhauser is an awesome game, especially if you like the death match online vidieo games. Its plays like one of them but on a board.

The game now has 4 factions to play, 7 unique maps, revised rule book, easy to use equipment cards that have all the relevent rules printed on them, more customisation with mixing factions, epic heros, more troopers, multiple game modes and scenarios and many bonus tokens too

The game is a light, beer and snacks combat game with a unique theme. Mainly for two players but supports upto ten players.

I love this game and is always a hit at my gaming table. so to me it was worth buying. I bought this blind, and intoduced it to my mates and it won them over on its first play,

the expansions are still in print and will continue to be so untill they stop selling. I buy 1 expansion a month and pay no more than £10 for a mini expansion. all i need now are Eddison, Frankenstahl (1 or 2), union and Reich trooper packs, the Matriarch trooper pack Asteros and all of the japanese forces and map pack. So in 12 months i should own everything.

To get the most out of the game for the lowest cost you need the core set , the revised rulebook and the equipment cards pack . if you buy a new core set it might come with the revised rule book anyway. Optional: play it with some movie sound track playing in the background to give the game night a more epic experience

Happy gaming

Well, let's hope you are all right! I picked up all the expansions during FFG's recent sale. The figs look great. Only now, I feel like there is an overwhelming amount of choices.


One question? Has anyone put together summary sheets for all the characters?

I believe so, if you search these forums you might find the thread. there was a chap who'd designed some referrence cards showing all the items together for any one particular pack.

hey there! in regards to whether or not they are discontinuing the game… i dont know myself but they are still making expansions and that usually is a good sign and ive been to sites like atomicempire.com and it is usually sold out. just thought i would let you know

I have not played yet but I like the theme. I picked up all expansions and figures except the Japan figures although I bought that expansion. How do the Japan figures add to the game. I just figures I like the Nazi, Russian and American forces better.

I have not played yet but I like the theme. I picked up all expansions and figures except the Japan figures although I bought that expansion. How do the Japan figures add to the game. I just figures I like the Nazi, Russian and American forces better.

There are no Nazis in this game, since the game is set in a different timeline.

I had the feeling that the shogunate is difficult to play because it heavily depends on close combat plus they have only a smalll amount of characters, which restricts the player to use the same team over and over again. Beside that they are a very cool addition to the setting and pretty strong (once they enter melee range.)

if you are worried about getting this gamecuz it is being discontinued dont worry i found out they are just putting it on hiatus

paladinmancraig said:

if you are worried about getting this gamecuz it is being discontinued dont worry i found out they are just putting it on hiatus

Where did you get this information?

This is taken from FFG's announcement of Frankenstahl and the future of TH:

"We remain genuine fans of Tannhäuser and its universe. We have no doubt that sometime in the future we'll return to explore new game experiences among its dark and winding paths."

It was probably understood as "putting the game on hiatus".

actually i asked someone who works for FFG

Okay, now I'm really curious. Did he / she give you any details?

This would be splendid indeed.

he said that of all the games that are on hold this one is more likely to be continued than most

"Most likely" does not sound like it was 100% certain, I fear. But it is better than nothing.

Well, if you plan on getting it I was planning on selling my set. I have evrything for the game that's been released and none of it has really been used, although the boxes have seen a bit of wear from being moved around.

I know it seems silly to sell having not really played but the one time we did set-up took forever because the scenario we were going to play was in the rulebook which kept getting passed around so people could look at the equipment rules. When we finally get going we play about five minutes before coming to a screeching halt due to a rules conflict concerning character abilities. Not being able to come to a concensus one of group threw a temper tantrum about the whole experience and left.

Naturally, a very sour taste was left in my mouth after that and now I just want get rid of it. So if interested let me know and we can work out a fair deal between us. My email is cdfinnigan@hotmail.com.

That's a real shame as it's a fantastic game once you get past the intial set up time. Personally I enjoy it, picking equipment, personalising and loading out my character. If you have the equipment cards it streamlines the set up and play time immensely as all the information is on hand. In answer to the original post, yes I think it is worth getting. I'm not too sure how the old rules fared but from all I have read up on the second edition fixes a lot of the problems that were initially had with the first edition and people have had great experiences with the revised rule books. The rules are pretty straight forward once learnt but there is a bit of information to remember and reference for the first few games. Also Tom O' Bedlam, was the conflicting rule a Matriarchy character's ability?

Yeah, it was the Russian chick in the KBA suit and something of hers conflicted with an ability of Hoss'. I'd have to go dig up my equipment cards to see what the deal was but because of the wording on both we weren't sure who's took precedence and things fell apart from there.


I was just wondering: has the revised edition fixed the lucky roll termination?

I have played this game twice and while this was several years ago I seem to recall some broken things.

The greatest reason to not like this game is represented by this example: character rolls a natural 10, special rule with that weapon kicks in, if the defender does not make a certain roll this results in his/her/it's death.

That's just broken, makes strategies redundant and depends on random luck. I cannot read the reference card sheet put on by that one poster. They are too blurry to read when I zoom in. :)

Thanks Dorian


I was just wondering: has the revised edition fixed the lucky roll termination?

I have played this game twice and while this was several years ago I seem to recall some broken things.

The greatest reason to not like this game is represented by this example: character rolls a natural 10, special rule with that weapon kicks in, if the defender does not make a certain roll this results in his/her/it's death.

That's just broken, makes strategies redundant and depends on random luck. I cannot read the reference card sheet put on by that one poster. They are too blurry to read when I zoom in. :)

Thanks Dorian

Three months later still no response... It's my most important issue with the game and I haven't found an answer to it yet.

This topic already dead?

I bought it recently and find it good and money well spend..


For any game that has dice luck will allways be a factor, especially with limited number of characters where each death has huge impact.

I have only played the current edition and personally didnt find it to be an issue, but if you want to limit the luck factor you can always try playing without special rules for items (apart from basic items), maybe that will make it more interesting for you.

However a lot of the strategy in this games is based on taking risks imo so personally i prefere the current system to a more basic one.

Thank you for your response, butI'm afraid my answer is still not answered. :)

Are the one hit wonders gone in the equipment? = > I thought it was really ridiculous that for example the heavy gunner would kill someone rolling a 10 if the opponent didn't roll a 10 as well. There were other characters as well that could equip this ridiculous overpowered equipment. I have almost no abstract games in my game collection, so I'm not bothered by the luck and randomness of dice: I like rolling dice. I just don't like overpowered abilities that ruin the fun for everyone and are no brainers that ruin the gameplay for me.