Mini-Sleeves with Artwork?FF

By CapnYB, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

Hi, my name is Tim and I'm a sleeve addict.

I have several FF Games that employ the use of small cards as game components. i.e. TI3, Red November, etc While it is great that Fantasy Flight has created beautiful sleeves with artwork from these games I find it very ironic the sleeves are not available in sizes designed for the cards in those games.

Has any consideration been given to smaller sleeves with artwork?

BTW, everyone is out of stock of the FFS05 Standard Card Game Sleeves. Tis the holiday season and it is a shame to be out of stock on such a fine product when they are needed most. Any word on when the next shipment will be available? Where can I see about making a case purchase? I'm fed up with my distributor's ability to keep Fantasy Flight's card supplies in stock.