Anima - Gate of Memories

By Raybras, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Only need $14,000 more to reach the goal of $90,000, those who have extra cash and still want to contribute please head over to the Links mentioned earlier as soon as possible, we only have 3 days left. Also on the Kickstarter they announced Gaia 2 as an Incentive so that will be the nexrt book after the artifact book.

I can't believe that Anima hasn't put forth any official announcements here. Lost opportunity.

Anyway, I'm backing it now, and the total is down to about $11k. Hopefully the last three days will carry them over the hump.

Just an update…

The game hit its goal and is on its way to being developed. They are still allowing pledges to hit stretch goals, and have set up some forums for the game and Anima in general.