1. Any restriction except using same OL card on same monster (no 2 frenzy/dash and so on) but is there any other restriction how many card you can use for one monster? in Castle Daerion 2nd part i used frenzy, + 1 surge(2 times on diffrent attacks), + 3dmg, + 2 dmg and reroll cards on one monster where 3 of thous where in one attack . Can i do that ?
2.Can heroes buy 3xp skill when they have 3 xp even if they dont have anything else then basic skill ? so far only find rule that only OL cards need 2 lvl1 cards for lvl2 card and 1 lvl2 card for 3card (same type: Warlord/Sabotage/Magic) and thought there would be some restrictions on what heroes can get with xp aswell.