Project Junebug

By zjungle, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

When accesed the effcet triggers before the runner trashes it or it doesnt go off and they trash it or it does both and it doesnt need to be reeszd

The effect would happen and then the runner would trash it assuming the runner has not taken fatal damage from the effect.

Thank you very much

The card needs to be rezzed to have an effect, mind. Though this can be done after the Runner passes the last piece of ice in the fort and then chooses to continue the run. Paid abilities can be activated and then in step 4.3 on the run chart of the core rulebook (or same in FAQ) you can rez the Junebug. Important if there are future cards that force the Corp to spend extra credits to rez cards in a fort, and runs out of cedits at the end of the run then the Junebug becomes less deadly.

ODie said:

The card needs to be rezzed to have an effect, mind. Though this can be done after the Runner passes the last piece of ice in the fort and then chooses to continue the run. Paid abilities can be activated and then in step 4.3 on the run chart of the core rulebook (or same in FAQ) you can rez the Junebug. Important if there are future cards that force the Corp to spend extra credits to rez cards in a fort, and runs out of cedits at the end of the run then the Junebug becomes less deadly.

This is actually not correct. All of the ambush cards do not need to be rezzed in order to effect the runner. This was addressed in the FAQ.

When accessed abilities
A card with an ability that triggers when the card is accessed does not have to be active in order for the ability to trigger. When resolving such an ability, simply follow the instructions on the card.
Example: The Corporation does not have to rez Project Junebug before the Runner accesses it in order to use its ability.