Traded for a copy of Rune Age that came in sleeves. Picked up Oath and Anvil and discovered that Dragon Shield sleeves are not the ones on the other cards and are too wide for Rune Age's cards. Is there an FFG type of sleeve that is narrower than regulars that fits Rune Age cards (Dragon Shields fit my Netrunner cards, for example)?
Jackwraith said:
Traded for a copy of Rune Age that came in sleeves. Picked up Oath and Anvil and discovered that Dragon Shield sleeves are not the ones on the other cards and are too wide for Rune Age's cards. Is there an FFG type of sleeve that is narrower than regulars that fits Rune Age cards (Dragon Shields fit my Netrunner cards, for example)?
The FFG sleeves with the green packaging are what you're looking for.
EDIT: I feel I should expound. When you look on a package from FFG or look at their Products section on a webpage (like the Rune Age products page) you will see a box that says "Fantasy Flight Supply" and then a number in a colored square. The color tells you what type of their card sleeves to purchase and the number tells you how many you need for that product. In the case of Rune Age, the colored squares are all green. LCGs, on the other hand, use the grey sleeves. It's important to remember that the color is not the color of the sleeves, just the packaging. Hope that's helpful. Good luck getting the right sleeves!
Awesome. Thanks much!