Starting up in Sarasota, Florida!

By RJM, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions


I'm beginning to get a group together to start playing on a regular basis in the Sarasota/Bradenton area. We'll be getting together at:

The Dark Side
408 S. Washington Blvd
Sarasota, FL

(website: )

I'm still working on all the details as well as what the best time and days will be. But I figured I'd post a note up here for anyone who doesn't already frequent the shop but might be interested in some AGoT LCG fun.

Drop a message here, or email me to let me know if you have any thoughts or preferences for joining our little fledgling group.


Things look like they're coming together gradually. As soon as my Night's Watch application finally goes through, we should be in business. We're going to try and set up two days a week for AGoT at the shop. Tuesdays @ 6:30pm, and Sundays @ 3:00 pm.

Depending on what day ends up being the most flexible or if one is largely unattended we'll possibly narrow it down to just the one meeting a week. I'll be there both days to run demo's and teach people the game either way though whenever possible.

I've also set up a blog for our group, so we can easily stay on top of annoucements and plans. Its at:

And here's the mini-poster I whipped up in photoshop to get the word out, just because:


I like the poster.

Suggestion, can you cut soem of the text? a poster, imho, works better when it has quick blurbs and not paragraphs of informartion (on 1 main paragraph). The top part is great, but the bottom part is wordy and unless i already knew about the game i wouldn't read the whole thing.

Try something like the top:

*Leagues: uses a limited card pool w/ unique deckbuilding! *Buy the Coreset and any Monthly Expansion you like!

*Tournaments: Monthly w/ prize support! *LCG: all the fun of CCG, but half the price!

*Casual Play: Any format! Contact info (as is)

Thanks for the thoughts, Lars. I agree it is a little cramped at the bottom. But I was kinda going to use it as an info sheet as well as a promo poster. So maybe I'll leave it as is on some, but simplify it with less words and larger font for the general poster.

And we've got our first sanctioned hedge tournament lined up now: Tourney of the King, April 7th, 2009 @ 6:30 pm.

Baratheon Hedge Tournament is next week, Tuesday 4/7/09 @ 6:30 pm !

We'd apparently missed the signup for the Targaryen Hedge Tournament as well. (Despite no info ever telling us about it...) But Erik Lind was kind enough to say he'd get the event sanctioned and send out pins for us.

I've scheduled the Targaryen Hedge Tournament for the following week, so we can get caught up. So, Tuesday again: 4/14/09 @ 6:30pm .

"Demo day" this Sunday @ 3pm.

I'm going to be teaching quite a few people the game with some demo decks this Sunday down at the shop. We'll probably also transition into some regular games (I'm thinking melee), later in the afternoon as well. So make it out if you can, should be fun.

How are things going down there? Hope the demo decks are helping.

Hey JJ. Things have been great, actually. I've given away all but I believe two of the second wave of demo decks you sent down at this point. Our shop now stocks Core Sets and usually has ~1 of each CP in stock. I think we've sold ...3 core sets and a handful of CP's in the last 2 weeks? We've had ~6-8 people the last few Sundays and should have around as many tomorrow too, with some random games happening throughout the week when people can show up.

So, thanks again for all your help. The demo decks definitely got a couple people interested enough to come back for more. Especially as we've been playing a mix of ITE/5KE and LCG, so its been a good jumping off point to let people own some playable cards for free right off the bat. We're even getting in some 5KE booster boxes to supplement the cardpool and use for drafts and prizes.

Things are looking good, and can only keep getting better. We'll be starting a Storyline League as soon as the new kits get sorted out. (I'm still waiting for all 4 of the hedge tourney pins that have been 'in the mail' for over a month.) :-P