Defender commits - exhaust or not

By mathieu_fontaine, in CoC Rules Discussion

Does a defending character committing to a story exhaust or not? The rulebook only precise that the attacker exhaust, nothing for the defender...


No, he doesn´t exhaust.

Wrong, you must exhaut your characters when you commit them in a story (to attack or to defend).

p9 : " When a character has been committed to a story, that character’s controller exhausts
that character and moves it in front of the specific story"

Dadajef said:

Wrong, you must exhaut your characters when you commit them in a story (to attack or to defend).

p9 : " When a character has been committed to a story, that character’s controller exhausts
that character and moves it in front of the specific story"

Yes, that is in the description of the active players commits to story, but nothing in the non active player committing part.

yeah, its just another of many typos missed by ffg. defenders exhaust. i wonder how many people are playing it wrong cause ffg decided proofreading was a waste?

unless that is a major rule change that we seemed to have assumed just stayed the same..........

Wow. then we totaly missed this point. And played it wrong all the years.

and it's the interest of arcance struggles. The winner (active or not active player) may ready one of his (exhausted) commited characters.

Well, to be honest, the defender exhaust his character, but as soon as the story phase and the tunn ends, the defende will have the opportunity to ready his characters... So the impact is to be meaningless for your playgroup, newager.

This have a real interest for someone trying to force a character of the defender to commit (let say Yig or Pulp writer) and take advantage of their incapacity to be exhaust until readyed ...


Well, to be honest, the defender exhaust his character, but as soon as the story phase and the tunn ends, the defende will have the opportunity to ready his characters... So the impact is to be meaningless for your playgroup, newager.

This have a real interest for someone trying to force a character of the defender to commit (let say Yig or Pulp writer) and take advantage of their incapacity to be exhaust until readyed ...

Well, there is a Tiny difference... When you defend with a Clover Club Bouncer, when you do not exhaust to commit on defense, you would still be able to use the ability - The effect becomes more pronounced with cards like Yig, though. Defend -and- destroy a character is a huge difference.

But, characters do exhaust when committing, no matter who's turn it is.

It also become important when I can take control of a character the oponent did not commit and commit it on my side. It then goes back exhausted to my opponent if I did not turned him insane or killed him in one of the struggle.

Something like a blind submission happy.gif I have always this card in my Hastur's Deck, very nice.