Ship Operation Expenses?

By AK_Aramis, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

I can't seem to find the costs of Life Support and Fuel recharges, landing fees (other than the implied rates based upon what's in the adventure).

Any help?

(If need be, I'll just crib from WEG GG6 Tramp Freighters… but I shouldn't have to, especially since the game starts every party off with a ship.)

Heck, expected return per point of cargo space would be good, too.

Have you thought about playing Traveller instead? lengua.gif

I think much of that might show up in the full game. In terms of the Beta - with limited space, and a need to focus on more important things, the minutiae was thrown out the airlock.

I'm probably going to go with a plot based number and go with that. 300 credits seems fine for most ports - the way I see it is hyperspace travel has been around for thousands of years (200,000 even) in the Star Wars universe, that the costs should be fairly low. As for replenishing life support, I'd just make most ships have the ability to scrub and store oxygen (or whatever atmo you breathe - based on your species) rather than keep track. Food, hunting trip on an alien world is always fun, or pick up some passengers.

As for the costs of cargo, well.. I can't help there so much, but it would be based on whatever you're selling - spice will be worth a lot more than a Gamorrean bobblehads.

I plan on giving the partymembers a point of the debt obligation when they're on certain backwater worlds when they try to land without paying.

Tramp Freighters have varying costs - which I use, although sometimes I test my players' reasoning when I charge stupid amounts for an open air field in the middle of nowhere.

I'd say the price range is between 50 per day for a open and shared landing "field" (for silhouette 3-4, perhaps more for silhouette 5s) to 250-300 for single bay with security (space stations could charge even more if there is heavy traffic and such). Recharge is usually x amount times number of crew/passengers during last trip times duration of last trip. So let's say 10 credits per person per day, covers everything from air, food (standard dry rations type of thing), fuel… At least for a silhouette 3-4. Larger ones could perhaps be 15… of course this can also vary depending on where you are, some backwater worlds will be more expensive due to limited resources, whereas others will be cheaper perhaps…

As for payment for for cargo - standard stuff will be cheap. I think wotc had some nice web enhancements on that for RCR, if I recall correctly. It listed actual value of cargo, but also expected payment for x amount of cargo of whatever type. Yeah, it was for the Hero's Guide - not sure if Saga covers it - but one of the WEs for Hero's Guide covers commerce, probably based off some stuff from D6, but also new stuff (who knows really). Lists prices for annual license costs too, for legit traders. It's a pretty nice web enhancement I thought I'd lost - but still have apparently. With some work this could be translated to encumbrance, from tons. Only trouble here is to redefine tons to encumbrance when it comes to the value per ton in the WE…. oh well.

That Blasted Samophlange said:

Have you thought about playing Traveller instead? lengua.gif

Yes, I had, and rejected out of hand for the Traveller Cr being begged very differently. The Traveller 3I Imperial Cr is worth at least an order of magnitude less, and for large goods, 2 orders less, than the Star Wars credit. (I'm one of the moderator staff over at Citizens of the Imperium -, and have played Traveller since 1983). The massive differences in how the two settings assess Credit values is spectacular.

Meanwhile, the price lists of the draft look very much like those from WEG SW… and many of the EU stuff was "informed by" WEG SW, so even if they didn't pull from WEG SW, they likely pulled from EU sources which did. (Wookiepedia has lots of stuf where the data is pulled from WEG SW, for example.)

I've dug out my GG 6… Looks like a little modification is needed.

Landing fees: Cr50-Cr150 per day

Restocking basic proteins and LS: Cr(10 to 35) per person-day.

Maintenance: I'll use 1% of new cost, once per 25 days of flight… days in N-space just coasting counting half, but days where you enter atmosphere or hyperspace count full. Days powered down I think about 1/10.

Let's see
YT1300 is 100Tons or 80 Enc
Ghtroc is 135T and 100 Enc
YT2400 is 150T or 75 Enc…

Hmmm… I think I'll use 1 Enc = 1Ton and presume that the 2400 is a bad entry. 150x0.8= 120. 135x.8=108… close enough.

Which brings up another issue - people are going to want ship's capacities to relate to the EU materials on them.

a conversion guide is essential long-term.

Check the update for the revised encumbrance for a bunch of ships - YT-1300 is now 165, the Ghtroc 250 and YT-2400 140 … the Action VI is 10,000 and the MB-C1 is 700.

Jegergryte said:

Check the update for the revised encumbrance for a bunch of ships - YT-1300 is now 165, the Ghtroc 250 and YT-2400 140 … the Action VI is 10,000 and the MB-C1 is 700.

Still not matching up to what's out there…

But, yeah, I forgot to check the update.

But it looks like a ship's enc is 2/3 of a ton…

And thinking about it, it looks like the nominal expected profit on spec is about Cr300/T in WEG GG6, so abut 200/Enc. Freight should be about half that.

Something to consider too
splitting up fees…

In the Serenity(Cortex sys) they make it clear the goods don't just go to all players-evenly split…


the Captian (Ship owner) takes a double (even a Triple share….!) part for the upkeep, resupply and food stuffs but also to keep in reserve as retirement or in case of major issues

the Roustabouts(freight handlers) get paid a minimal share

the Doctor/Cook/Slicer get paid a standard share

the Soldiers/Fighters, Navigator and Tac. Gunner get a larger share equal to each other

Suggestion to new GM's… if your players have Debt as an obligation… perhaps they don't even see the money at all…. it simply goes to the person they owe…

One thing I just realized is that much of the discussion about the cost and profit of cargo is concerned around speculative trading. Buying x here, and selling it someplace else to make a profit. While this is all good and all, much of the trade deals are going to be done by parties that just need someone to deliver the cargo - often this will be the PC's just trying to make some money. Having worked in a warehouse I see it all the time, the truck shows up, says I'm here to pick up 7 skids, somebody loads it gives the driver the paper work and they head out.

So, a party could make money to pay their way with doing jobs like this. In fact, these will be the common guaranteed jobs (not including plot twists such as illegal goods and pirates). It takes a certain type of person to do speculative trading, and not every group is going to want to do that. It is something that should be factored into the trade.

Now, as to the cost of landing fees and such, perhaps something as simple as 50 credits per silhouette? Use this as a base, some places will charge more, some less. Each success on certain checks could reduce this by 10-25 credits, and a Triumph by 50-100? Threat and despair being the opposite.

I think if the costs were based on the silhouette, both docking and recharging it is basic enough to cover most situations.

As much as I do like Traveller, I feel Star Wars isn't the right place to be constantly trying to buy low and sell high just to make ends meet. This is just my perspective though, and if you have fun selling Taun-Taun sleeping bags to campers on Endor, then by all means play that way. But it's not the spirit of Star Wars.

A first order approximation of speculative trade is essential for figuring the expected income from freight (cargo for hire).