
By Plushy, in Black Crusade

Are there rules for making a daemonhost out there? I can't seem to find any, but I swear they're hiding in Black Crusade somewhere…

There are the Posession rules (add 10 to Strength and Toughness, use the Possessor's Intelligence, Fellowship, Willpower, Perception, Psy Rating, and mental skills/talents, plus 1d10+3 Wounds) but that trait itself says that this does not represent a Daemonhost. Am I retarded or have these rules not been made yet>

If I recall there's rules in a Dark Heresy splatbook, you could easily adapt those. May be Radical's Handbook, not sure off the top of my head.

Tom Cruise said:

If I recall there's rules in a Dark Heresy splatbook, you could easily adapt those. May be Radical's Handbook, not sure off the top of my head.

nope. Dark heresy Core.

PnPgamer said:

Tom Cruise said:

If I recall there's rules in a Dark Heresy splatbook, you could easily adapt those. May be Radical's Handbook, not sure off the top of my head.

nope. Dark heresy Core.

Radical's Handbook has additional/more detailed information on the subject. However, the rules are for NPC Daemonhosts, so they may require some work to work properly for PCs.