Southern 4 player Variant

By nob0dy, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

i posted this in another thread as a repsonse, but realized i should probably share it with all as a different variant idea.

Hello all,

this is my first post on this forum. my friends and i startd playing the 2nd edition of GoT last year.

we try to get a game in at least once a week, but due to friendships lost and not everyone having the same schedule we have been forced to play 4 player more often than 5 or 6 (which i really like). after watching the people that play Stark lose interest after the GJ comes and kicks in the backdoor or Baratheon comes up north we decided to try a different battle, a southern battle.

we knock out GJ and Stark and play w/ the 4 southern families cutting off anything Seaguard and the 2 northern territories near the Fingers. along with that we count the golden sea and that tall/long sea space, that blocks lannister from getting out by Tyrell right away, as one space, as to not have to waste a move order to go through a space that does not matter in this set up.

it makes for a fun battle filled game that lasts usually 10 full rounds and keeps everyone's heads in the game and a lot of fun.

anyone else try this or think it is a silly idea, or great idea??

Ha ha me and my friends do pretty much the exact same thing.

have you run into any issues?

where do you cut YOUR board off? and do you treat the sea spaces the same?

we don't really find any ONE particular family to win more than another. we found that keeping martell and tyrell in the game is essential due to the loris tyrell card being couteracted by the martell card (can't remember her name at this time, i never read the books) that says "you can't come into this space"

we also started doing a 3 player game where each person controls 2 houses.

but that's a whole nother story