i posted this in another thread as a repsonse, but realized i should probably share it with all as a different variant idea.
Hello all,
this is my first post on this forum. my friends and i startd playing the 2nd edition of GoT last year.
we try to get a game in at least once a week, but due to friendships lost and not everyone having the same schedule we have been forced to play 4 player more often than 5 or 6 (which i really like). after watching the people that play Stark lose interest after the GJ comes and kicks in the backdoor or Baratheon comes up north we decided to try a different battle, a southern battle.
we knock out GJ and Stark and play w/ the 4 southern families cutting off anything Seaguard and the 2 northern territories near the Fingers. along with that we count the golden sea and that tall/long sea space, that blocks lannister from getting out by Tyrell right away, as one space, as to not have to waste a move order to go through a space that does not matter in this set up.
it makes for a fun battle filled game that lasts usually 10 full rounds and keeps everyone's heads in the game and a lot of fun.
anyone else try this or think it is a silly idea, or great idea??