Kiro13's Trade Thread (Updated 04/12/09)

By Kiro13, in Agrabah Bazaar

Hello everyone this is my trade stuff.

-On- Also I decided to do this online too cause with my friends I trade random crap for Mushu's and Yuffie's because I am trying to fill up a whole binder with them.

On Hold! Now I am looking for some Elemental Hero cards that I need so you can trade those for my stuffz too.

On Hold! If anyone plays UFS I have my trade thread in the UFS area you can look at to trade for my Kingdom Hearts stuff or vice-versa.

Cards I Want Need:

Blizzaga x1

Thundaga x1

Lady Luck x2

Wight Knight x1

Wyvern x1 (Set 1)

Halloween Town Lv1 x1

SR Sora Lv2 x1

SR Sora Lv3 x1

SR Goofy Lv2 x1

SR Goofy Lv3 x1

SR Aladdin Lv1 x1

SR Aladdin Lv2 x1

SR Ariel Lv3 x1

SR Simba Lv2 x1

SR MerSora x1

SR Riku lv2 Promo x1

Daisy Duck x1

Kairi Promo x1

-Set 2-

Stealth Sneak x2

-Set 3-

Agrabah Lv1 x2

Neverland Lv2 x2

SR Dark Riku x1

SR Neverland Lv2 x1

SR Jasmine Lv0 x1

SR Alice Lv0 x1

-Set 4-

SR Valor Form x2

SR Wisdom Form x1

Kairi Lv2 x1

SR Mickey Mouse Lv1 x2

SR Minnie Mouse Lv1 x1

SR Diz Lv1 x3

SR Captain Pete Lv0 x2

Donald Duck Lv3 x1

Donald Duck Lv4 x3

Goofy Lv3 x1

Goofy Lv4 x2

Merlin Lv3 x1

Hayner Lv1 x2

Pence Lv1 x2

SR Alice Lv0 x2

Hercules Lv2 x2

Hercules Lv3 x2

Phil Lv1 x1

Pegasus Lv2 x1

Aladdin Lv2 x1

Aladdin Lv3 x2

Pinocchio Lv1 x1

King Triton Lv2 x2

Jack Skellington Lv2 x1

Jack Skellington Lv4 x2

Sally Lv1 x2

Zero Lv1 x1

Dr. Finkelstein Lv2 x1

Peter Pan Lv1 x1

Beast Lv3 x1

Will Turner Lv2 x2

Elizabeth Swan Lv1 x1

Jack Sparrow Lv3 x1

Mulan Lv2 x2

Yuffie Lv2 xINFINITY

Leon Lv4 x2

Rai Lv1 x2

Seifer Lv2 x2

Fira x1

Firaga x1

Blizzara x2

Blizzaga x2

Thunder x1

Thundara x2

Thundaga x2

Aero x2

Cure x1

Kingdom Key x2

Olympia x1

Wishing Lamp x1

Decisive Pumpkin x2

Rings x 62

Spear x62

Whirli-Goof x1

Bushido x2

Shooting Star x2

Red Rocket x1

(I will add more later lolsky)

Cards I have for Trade:

Non-holo Promo Simba x1

Riku Lv3 (Set 2) x4

Dark Riku (Set 3) x1

Winnie th Pooh Lv0 (Set 2) x1

Alice Lv0 (Set 3) x2

Kairi Lv0 (Set 3) x1

Jasmine Lv0 (Set 3) x2

Pinocchio Lv1 (Set 3) x2

Fairy Godmother Lv2 (Set 3) x1

Ariel Lv3 (Set 1) x2

Peter Pan Lv3 (Set 2) x7

Hercules Lv3 (Set 2) x2

Beast Lv3 (Set 2) x3

Jack Skellington Lv3 (Set 2) x 2

Aladdin Lv4 (Set 3) x1

Tinker Bell Lv0 (Set 3) x2

Tinker Bell Lv2 (Set1) x1

Tinker Bell Lv3 (Set 2) x1

Simba Lv3 (Set 1) x2

Genie Lv4 (Set 1) x1

Genie Lv4 (Set 4) x1

Tinker Bell Lv4 (Set 2) x6

Firaga (Set 1) x3

Graviga (Set 2) x5

Curaga (Set 2) x4

Aeroga (Set 3) x2

Stopga (Set 2) x7

TrickMaster (Set3) x2

Captain Hook (Set 2) x3

Oogie Boogie (Set 2) x3

Maleficent (Set 2) x1

Ursula (Set 2) x5

Disney Castle (Set 2) x1

Wonderland Lv2 (Set 1) x1

Halloween Town Lv2 (Set 2) x4

Olympus Coliseum Lv2 (Set 2) x5

Agrabah Lv3 (Set 3) x1

SR Ansem Lv10 (Set 4) x1

SR Owl Lv0 (Set 3) x1

SR Beast Lv1 (Set 2) x2

SR Donald Duck Lv1 (Set 1) x1

SR Pinocchio Lv1 (Set 3) x1

SR Hercules Lv1 (Set 2) x2

SR Beast Lv3 (Set 2) x1

SR Monstro Lv2 (Set 3) x1

Thats it for now and ask about Set 4 Things cause I definently don't have extras but I may be will to trade them off if I don't need it so much.


**^Enternal Flames^** - (Completed) Riku Lvl 2 = Thundaga, Wight Knight, Simba Lvl 2

Gambler of Fate 10 - (Completed) Simba Lvl 1 = SR Yuffie

Blasterjoe - (Complete) Aqua Tank, Parasite Cage = Agrabah Lvl 2, Wight Knight.

Devilmonkey - (Completed) Chip & Dale = Hundred Acre Woods

Togashi Fairbanks - (Completed) Chip & Dale, End of the World = Tinkerbell Lv1, MerSora, and Daisy (Foil)

Tonybam14 - (Completed) Leon, Moogle = SR Genie Lv2

Haley-Jo - (Completed) SR Hades = Mushu Lv4, Yuffie

Haley-Jo - (Completed) SR Hercules Lv1 = Mushu Lv4 x2

Saturn_Kav - (Completed) Soul Eater x3 = Yuffie, Wight Knight, Aladdin Lv3

Haley-Jo - (Completed) SR Destiny Islands = Yuffie x2

XxHalloweenTownxX - (Completed) SR Sora Lv1, Simba Lv1, Tink Lv1, Jack Lv3, Peter Lv3, Winnie the Pooh = Goofy Lv4, Yuffie, SR Aladdin Lv3, SR Jack Lv3

Roxas - (Completed) Pot Spider, Stealth Sneak, Hercules Lv3 R, Beast Lv3 R = SR Riku Lv3 and Wyvern

check out my trade thread and see if there is anything you would like.

Would you trade your SR Winnie the Pooh [3rd Set] for my R Owl + R Wendy?

Ok since i cant edit my main post right now I will just state out that there is one less Stealth Sneak, Pot Spider, R Hercules Lv3, and R Beast Lv3. And I dont need Riku Lv3 SR anymore

Edit: this site is not liking me..... I got it to work after I posted this....

How did you get your Edit button to work?!

Mine still doesn't.


you only get a five minute time window to edit, after that there is no editing...ever

edit: it's pretty lame

I think it might be something where when you post you can edit any message that you have posted as long as the 5 minute mark thing like Roxas said and when i edited my post before and saved the edit it showed me i could edit the first post. Idk its really dumb and wierd.

Edit: Cause after i posted this message i was able to edit the first topic post once again.

I kind of want your Ultima Weapon. I have the King card.

I didn't see your trade topic in the ufs section. I might be interested in KH cards (for collecting puposes.. but well, i know what rarity mean)

i want Ultima Weapon look at my list

Well I am waiting to see if I can get Roxas Lawleit's King but if he wont trade it than i will come back to you.

Who are you referring to Kiro?

Cause I offered a King as well :)

Well i meant Roxas Lawleit cause I left him a post on his trade forum but I really just want The King so I guess it could go out to anyone

i like your ultima weapon as well.

Well Ultima Weapon is up for grabs so first come first serve to te offer that I like.

I posted a trade on the old forums...I will get it onto here soon enough unless you can just look at the old forums:S but I ont know if your still active there

I'm interested in your Ultima Weapon. Do you want to trade with me? I also posted the same message onto your old trade thread from the old forums. I also somewhat active on the old forums than the new ones, so I usually keep my old trade thread up-to-date.

would you trade your rare pinocio for my rare owl?

What would you want the Ultima Weapon for, check my trade list in my sig.

Ok well sorry to everyone who was asking about it but I sold my Ultima Weapon to a friend earlier today so I dont have it anymore sorry everyone.

Tonybam14: I can do a pinocchio for an owl just send me the address to my email

Kiro I received your cards and sent mine out Friday morning. Hope you enjoy them ^_^

Ok then I guess they will be here tomorrow and that means I will be one card closer to finishing my collection for set 2 ALRIGHT! lol

Tomorrow is Sunday good sir.

Tomorrow is Sunday good sir.

Oh yea I forget about Sundays lol I think I forget about it cause I never go to church lmao