Has anyone tried this? The Jericho Reach is a warzone, no question, and contains several and varied enemies, from the technologically advanced and sedition-inducing Tau to the endless swarms of Hive Fleet Dagon, and Orks, Eldar, and Necrons can round things out, if they are feeling frisky. Do the OW characters do well against such foes, assuming Space Marines and Hordes are avoided?
I ask because, and this is pointless, I had an idea for a Horde-busting gun I want the IG to test out against the mass millings of the Tyranids; I call it the Broodshock and it is effectively a grenade launcher combined with a flamer. The frag grenades can soften up Hordes of little bugs as they swarm in, and the flamer can finish them off, as they close into assaulting range. This, combined with a suppressive fire of several lasguns seems like a nice idea to me. The Reach would seem a decent location to field-test the weapon, but it is more for IG than Space Marines. The area with OW could work, too, with hordes of Orks (I believe the primary enemy?), but Nids are a bit less mindful of strategy, and not likely to loot the gun, and turn it on it's inventors.