Well, the cat's kinda out of the bag, and it doesn't look like i'll make it to the Australian Nationals as the event was only advertised less than 2 weeks ago and it's 3 weeks and 10 hrs travel away, and my student's money flow simply won't accomodate the short notice. Been keeping this low key in case I managed to make the Nationals, and quietly trialling the deck on lackey for the last month ( those on there would be familiar with it ), and its kind of eerie the vague similarities between it and the now released world championship winning deck. I must admit I was a bit concerned when I heard about Tom's deck, but it's different enough to soothe my nerves and call my own. So here it is, the MONSTER MASH :
Characters ( 35 )
Priestess of Bubastis x 3
Blood Magician x 3
Twilight Cannibal x 3
Black Dog x 3
Master of the Myths x 3
Ghoulish Worshipper x 3
Flying Polyps x 2
Dhole Ant-Lion x 3
Hideous Guardian x 3
Forgotten Shoggoth x 2
Displaced Chthonian x 3
Nyarlathotep x 2
Y’Golonac x 2
Events ( 15 )
Spiritual Guidance x 2
Feed Her Young x 3
Even Here She Dwells x 2
Twilight Gate x 2
Shocking Transformation x 3
Unspeakable Resurrection x 3
In following with my Yog / Shub Regionals winning deck ( posted somewhere here first week of June I think ), I continued my non-use of Supports, opponent Support denial, accelerated Characters / Ancient Ones, and a lean towards Characters ( It was a 34 / 16 mix ). In that respect it's really just a new spin on an old strategy of mine. I'll be interested to see if this will become more common seeing that it's taken out an Australian Regional and now the National and World Championships. The main features of the deck would be:
1 ) Early game defence with Black Dog and Master of the Myths.
2 ) Acceleration into the 4 costs ( which there are many ) with Priestess of Bubastis, Ghoulish Worshipper and Feed Her Young.
3 ) Acceleration of hand size with Even Here She Dwells to draw from the 22 monster / cultists, facilitated early game with the returning Black Dog / Master of the Myths / Twilight Gate.
4 ) Protection against milling decks with ( Shock Transformed ) Forgotten Shoggoth, otherwise most likely resourced.
5 ) A high quantity of Invulnerability and Toughness to protect against the Khopesh and other wounding decks.
6 ) A high degree of skill to protect against Syndicate and Nodens ( which one lackey opponent loves to use ) and Invulnerability on some 3 skill Characters.
7 ) The main aim of which is to get Hideous Guardian into play as soon as possible and keep in play with Unspeakable Resurrection ( also for Ghoulish Worshippers ), fuelling the Dhole Ant-Lions to not exhaust, and clearing the wounds with Spiritual Guidance on the 6th wound. This allows the possibilty of 2 Dhole Ant-Lions committing unexhausted for 3 story phases per Hideous Guardian / Spiritual Guidance / Unspeakable Resurrection.
As stated, it's still being trialled and may not be in it's final form, as I'm still playing with Event numbers and trying to slip in Bast's Hunt to combat opponent Master of the Myths etc, but I don't see much point keeping a lid on it any longer. I'll post the finalised version when I get to it. Hope you appreciate !!