Just to add a couple of comments to what jhaelen said: my modifications were mainly removing the 1x of the cards. I don't like to play 1x in CoC, generally speaking. In this case, the 1x were Under the Porch, Nodens and the Corrupted Midwife. I played 2x Nodens, and 3 Under the Porch.
I changed other cards: -3x Faceless Abductor (I don't like to lose one char on the board to simply bounce, and the icons are good, but I prefer the Shub ghouls then), -2x Displaced Cthonian (slow for the effect, IMO), -3x The mother's hand (to double use the domain you have to pay 4 and at that point I just prefer to play something bigger for that cost).
I add: 2 copies of Under the Porch, 1 Nodens, 1 copy of Broken Space, Broken Time, 2 copies of Nug and replaced Nyarla with Eibon. Even though Nyarla is good, I prefer Eibon because it's another way to accelerate a domain to 4 resources on turn 2 and it's still on of the best char out there, IMO. Last, I add the other ghoul (I didn't do the math, but I was playing 50 cards so if you see more than 50 cards, just take out 1 copy of a ghoul).
The deck played well, as expected. I've been toying around with something similar for quite some time 5 months ago so I knew how to get the most out of it. Twilight Gate didn't give me the best feeling, since the resource choice in the opening hand is usually a couple of AO. And I prefer to keep my many angled thing in my hand, rather then resource it. Other targets are not so cool, in general. I liked, instead, feed her young. I didn't play often Under the porch-> Nug (only once, I think), but it is a good plan to accelerate and I'll definitely keep it in the deck. And Under the Porch is another tutor for Shub AO, so it's just plain good.
My main concern (which is one of the reasons why I stopped playing the deck) is how resilient it is against destruction. With destruction I mean a deck that is packing something like 20 or more removals (CdtA, Single Glimpse, Many angled things, Pushed into beyond, eventually kopesh/nodens, or Marcus/Shaft etc…). That was my deck until the last euro tournament, and I think it might be a tough match for this deck. In your version there is CM to recover some char from the discard, but it is definitely slow and not solid (1 sac off, and the CM is gone). Have you ever faced such a deck? Then, as you say, you don't take into account combo, which would be a complete disaster in the euro meta
Anyway, the deck is solid in doing what it is designed for and there are some cool trick in it (example from yesterday's tournament: turn 1, play Basil, turn 2 play double many angled thing, clean the board, go for stories unopposed…sweet