Edge of the Empire for Novices

By ChellR, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game


Just noticed this preview of the Beginner Set, posted last Monday and didn't see any discussion about it so I thought I'd do the honours… or something like that. Is this our first look at the character folios?

Anyway, just thought you all ought to know… :)

Well in hopes of actually encouraging conversation instead of just hoping for the best, and having finally finished reading the preview, I guess I'll post my thoughts:

I think my biggest sense of excitement comes from the note of further previews to follow in the coming weeks leading up to the set's release next month. I really am excited to learn more about the set, almost as excited as I am to actually get my hands on it. I have some green and some veteran players I'd love to start a game with. It probably reinforces that this preview is more aimed at novice player, given where my primary interests seem to lay.

I liked getting a closer look at a character folio, and wouldn't mind exploring them further (if there is much further). I found Pash's backstory interesting. It is simple, almost childish in scope; I'm speaking of the sequence of events that Pash went through to where he is now. Now, this is not meant to be an insult, but rather a compliment; I want very much for this box set to be simple so that someone new to star wars and/or role-playing, as well as children to easily grasp the material and run with. The idea that a 12 year old or younger can grab and run with it is a good thing me thinks, and that stretches to story elements as well as mechanical. Plus, does seem true to the original source material too. ;)

I found it interesting that the box set is set in the galactic civil war rather than the dark times, or are the lines between the two mostly blurred now-a-days?

Anything else people have latched onto or noticed? I'm not ready to comment on mechanical aspects of the character yet or set layout…

Crimson_red said:

Anything else people have latched onto or noticed? I'm not ready to comment on mechanical aspects of the character yet or set layout…

Nice to finally see the character folios. I'm kind of surprised they're multi-page booklets, but I guess that could be to make "levelling up" easy (i.e.: just turn the page between sessions).

BTW: the "default" era for all Edge of the Empire products is galactic civil war - specifically right after the destruction fo the first death star, so that didn't suprise me at all.

Theoretically there's nothing stopping you from starting before the battle of Yavin but it will be at least a year or two before you can make use of the Empire and Rebels part they indicated will be covered by their second book release mind you!

Am looking forward to this as it should give me alot more to work with let alone the custom dice!