Starship Combat?

By GalaxyUC, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

Hey there,

I'm just waiting on the final release of this game before diving in. But I'm always checking in to see if there have been any changes made to Starship Combat yet, if there has been at all? Are you Beta Testers satisfied with the Space Combat thus far? Is it fast enough? In my opinion, and I have likely said this before here, no SW RPG system has really gotten Starship Combat right, or atleast fast and exciting. SAGA comes close, but there are still a lot of moving parts to keep an eye on.

When I say ship combat, I mean X-wing vs. a TIE or of course…a Freighter vs. 2+ TIE fighters.


We play WH RPG 3rd, and thus far, I am REALLY liking the stream-lined rules system used in SW. Very excited to see the final product and will be buying the starter boxed set… I wish the intended to release a Collector's Edition, like the 40K games. Sad…

Thanks Guys!

I will be testing some starship combat this Fri. night. So far it seems great, smooth and naritive, rather than tactical minuitia. Cant' wait.

Page 8-10 of the weekly update is all reguarding Starship combat. Also added is a new table of actions for the freighter crew / copilot to take durring a fighter fight.