I've got an idea for a tournament. Those who are familiar with Lord of the Rings know it was Aragorn that captured Gollum. But nowhere is it said who was with him. Now you can fill in the blanks on that part of the story!
Scenario: The six Shadows of Mirkwood adventures played in order.
Deck Parameters: Open build with the following restrictions: One Hero must be Aragorn (either version). No hobbit heroes (because they are in Bag End) and no Thorin Oakenshield (because he's dead).
Players attempt to defeat all six scenarios using the same combination of players, decks and heroes. The score for each of the six scenarios should be listed separately but also all six should can be added together to get a single score measuring the overall success on the entire campaign.
The Hunt For Gollum result:
The Conflict at the Carrock result:
A Journey to Rhosgobel result
The Hills of Emyn Muil result
The Dead Marshes result:
Return to Mirkwood result: