2012 Worlds experience

By Hybrid, in CoC General Discussion

Just wanted to say thanks to FFG for a great time and thanks to all the Cthulhu Worlds participants for great fun. You're the best! Congrats to Tom. I hope to get the time to post again with more details and shout outs.

I agree it really was a good time. Anyone who has the chance to go next year should. FFG did a really good job with the entire event, and everyone was friendly. I think we only had 13 people for the Cthulhu event, but the competition was pretty steep!

I hope Tom gets a chance to do a write up as well, but I recall he mentioned he had trouble with his PC, so that might not happen anytime soon.

Yes, that's true - he's been having to go online on his phone which isn't very conducive to article-writing :)

Hopefully the problem will get sorted out soon and we can get a report from him and his deck listing.

I think it's probably ok to talk about decks now. You can tell from the video what factions he used, and the basic strategy. His deck was very close to the one he used at Gencon. Nyarlathotep on turn 2 usually equals a loss for your opponent. :)

Interesting note, three of the top 4 decks used Miskatonic.