I've been told on average it takes 4 hours?
How long does an average game take?
Also i was told the figures are pretty brittle and a lot come broken/damaged in the box. Is this true?
With 2 players the game usually lasts for 2-2,5 hours for us. We rarely play with 3-4 players, if do, the game is longer, on avarage lasts for 3-4 hours depending on the player's experience and the need of rule explanation.
Concerning the figures, mines are in perfect condition yet. I bought the game in october this year, we play once or two times every week.
Thanks for the info!
When I play with my wife the game lasts for about 90 minutes, but we're very used to the game. When I play with three people (as I did yesterday), it usually lasts for 3 hours. I've only played with four players once so far; it took more than 4 hours to finish the game, but two of the players were not only new to AoC but also new to board games other than Monopoly in general, so I guess that's how it took so long.
We didn't the time pass though