I just bought RtL and there is some things I just can´t sort out.
1. On p.16 it says "..a lieutenant can Reinforce any kind of monster listed as one of its legal minions on his lieutenants card". The problem is that some lieutenants dont have any minions. I thought that meant that they cant reinforce monsters, but Dar Hilzernod has a special ability that only triggers when he is reinforcing. Can lieutenants without minions reinforce any kind of monster?
2. I don´t have AoD or WoD so I am not that familiar with the concept of treachery and will use the simplified treachery rules. I am not sure how it works though. I guess it works like this. If the Overlord has 1 spawn treachery, at the start of a dungeon he can either get 4 threats that only can be used for spawns or one extra random card from the OL deck. Is spent treachery gone for the rest of the entire campaign or can the OL use them again in the next dungeon?
3. I am not sure how to use simplified treachery in lieutenant encounters. Is it possible to use it at all?
Thank you all helpful descent fans out there