does it usually take to finish a game.
cause im looking into buying this, i play games with my family alot and were usually pressed for time
thanks in advance
does it usually take to finish a game.
cause im looking into buying this, i play games with my family alot and were usually pressed for time
thanks in advance
A game will run approximately 30 minutes give or take 10. It depends on how prone people are to Analysis Paralysis.
Our games generally ran closer to an hour, but then I had one gamer who was a step beyond Analysis Paralysis; He could contemplate himself into a coma. 30 minutes is a pretty good estimate, once you have the basics down, but despite the number of players it should take no longer than an hour. It's definitely a "Light" game.
what is analysis paralisis? is that a real term or does it just mean 'indecisive'?
It's a term used on boardgaming forums to describe the time it take someone to determine all the options present, weigh pros and cons of each, and choose one. Not exactly indecision, though indecision can be part of it.
For my group it's about 45 minutes tops. Never had any complaint about the game running long.
Sartredes said:
It's a term used on boardgaming forums to describe the time it take someone to determine all the options present, weigh pros and cons of each, and choose one. Not exactly indecision, though indecision can be part of it.
heh, and here I thought those ultra long moments happened only in my gaming group
Based on my experience, this game doesn't take too long. It can be explained in like 10 minutes, and can be played in half an hour to 45 minutes. So about an hour to play this game if it is new to you is pretty typical, and less if you've played it before.
this does sound fun. ill have to pick it up someday.