New FAQ (v 1.6) is out!

By Kriegschatten, in Dust Tactics

Well koska is pretty useless, other's are OK IMO. I wish Johny-one-eye was used more often in my gaming group;)

Lska said:

Well koska is pretty useless, other's are OK IMO. I wish Johny-one-eye was used more often in my gaming group;)

He's had a revival in my lists for Hades scenarios where infantry can only go underground

Johnny has been instrumental in bringing the Gunners back into my game. Badass turns the Gunners into a very effective little squad in the current state of the game.

Major Mishap said:

golem101 said:

The Hans no longer ignores cover with its anti infantry weapons?

Well, here's another light walker to the scrapyard…

And what's more they errata'd in Warfare to give Hans to ignore cover when the rules said it didn't. WTF FFG, get some consistancy with your stats and weapons!

When and where did this happen?

The Warfare Hans has never ignored cover and the FAQ certainly doesn't change this.

Loophole Master said:

Johnny has been instrumental in bringing the Gunners back into my game. Badass turns the Gunners into a very effective little squad in the current state of the game.

I think the Gunners also got a boost when the Type 3 infantry came out, since they actually have Kinves & Grenades while the Bot Hunters, Death Dealers, and Recon Boys all just have Knives.

It makes the Gunner's a bit more of a threat against melee Type 3 infantry like zombies and apes.

Which reminds me of the interesting fact that ALL of the SSU armor 2 soldiers can hurt armor 3 soldiers in Close Combat.

Loophole Master said:

Which reminds me of the interesting fact that ALL of the SSU armor 2 soldiers can hurt armor 3 soldiers in Close Combat.

Interesting, I hadn't noticed that.

They're probably trying to make for those crappy PPSh-48 submachine guns they all carry…

Loophole Master said:

Which reminds me of the interesting fact that ALL of the SSU armor 2 soldiers can hurt armor 3 soldiers in Close Combat.

That's why I love my cheap SSU units and wondered why so many bleated it's unfaif on the SSU for not having any and would get decimated by A3 armies, the fact is the opposite is true. Any A3 unit combating any SSU unit will probably not survive.

Major Mishap said:

Any A3 unit combating any SSU unit will probably not survive.

Well, maybe in close combat. At range, I certainly would bet on the Grim Reapers or Heavy Recon Grenadiers coming out on top.