New FAQ (v 1.6) is out!

By Kriegschatten, in Dust Tactics

Looks like they finally provided clarification regarding tracked vehicles:

"Q: “Tracked Vehicle” is listed on one of my unit cards. Are there special rules for tracked vehicles? If so, what are they?

A: Yes. Tracked vehicles, though considerably powerful, are not as agile as walkers. Due to their cumbersome nature, tracked vehicles cannot move diagonally."

They also indicated that the Nikita is supposed to have the Reload skill for its weapon.

Yeah :/ Evidently a man inside a Command Vehicle can repair another tank outside, or bandage up a fallen comrade, but can't stick his head over the top to direct artillery fire. Sometimes I don't think these FFG guy's have a clue.

Major Mishap said:

Yeah :/ Evidently a man inside a Command Vehicle can repair another tank outside, or bandage up a fallen comrade, but can't stick his head over the top to direct artillery fire. Sometimes I don't think these FFG guy's have a clue.

I guess the logic is adjacency vs line of sight… weird

Well logic never was a strong side of DT :D

Well, can we now drop this bull that ALL artillery weapons automatically need to reload, then?

Also strange that they did not correct Yakov's card to state his Acid Thrower is a Flame Weapon.

Yakov is not supposed to have a flame weapon.

Has this been answered definitively? That it was NOT a mistake like on the Stefan card?

It's the same exact statline as the sulfur thrower, there should be something to make it different. I would agree that possibly it's correct on the card.

blkdymnd said:

It's the same exact statline as the sulfur thrower, there should be something to make it different. I would agree that possibly it's correct on the card.

My thinking is exactly the opposite. It's the exact same line as the sulfur thrower, and the weapon itself looks exactly the same, therefore they are basically the same weapon and should operate the same way. The name change could be some lack of revision as the name evolved (acid = sulfuric acid) or they just gave them different names to make the hero's weapon seem more unique.

This FAQ is v 1.6, did anyone see v 1.5? I like the fact that they highlight new items in red but there are quite a few changes that are not in red since maybe they were changed in the v1.5 that I never saw.

One key change is Han's grenade now no longer ignores cover although in the forums someone (perhaps Loophole Master) mentioned that it did ignore cover. Rule reversal is confusing and a pain in the butt.

Wut? It used to ingore cover!

Wow, it is RLY stated there, i was sure they once told us it ignores cover!

And no cover ignore for the aicid throwe makes sence to make those weapons diffrent.

The Hans no longer ignores cover with its anti infantry weapons?

Well, here's another light walker to the scrapyard…

Now from 6 light walkers only 2 have any sense on the battelfield..

golem101 said:

The Hans no longer ignores cover with its anti infantry weapons?

Well, here's another light walker to the scrapyard…

And what's more they errata'd in Warfare to give Hans to ignore cover when the rules said it didn't. WTF FFG, get some consistancy with your stats and weapons!

WOW. Yeah, I didn't catch that change. It was in an official answer to me a long time ago that they stated that the Granate Werfer was indeed a Grenade Weapon that ignores cover. And now they take it back?

Not that I think this makes the Hans useless, it's still a decent walker for the price. But this constant back and forth is frustrating. Specially baffling if they did the exact opposite in Warfare.

Do only i have a feeling we schould take over the rules and player questions of this game?

No, it's occurred to me before…

My fear is the company is only interested in pushing product and the game has become secondary. Like AT-43 the QC seems to be lacking but in the opposite area.

Got an official answer from Zach today on Yakov's Acid Thrower:

"It is not a misprint. Yakov's Acid Thrower does not ignore cover."

Well, that's that. I find it pretty weird that acid does not ignore cover, but there you go. SSU heroes overall seem generally weak and overpriced.

You recently asked a question about Dust Tactics:

Rule Question:
Hey guys,
Just checking to see if Yakov's acid thrower really is not a 'flame weapon' or if there was possibly a misprint as in Stephan's card. Thanks very much.

It is not a misprint. Yakov's Acid Thrower is not a flame weapon and does not ignore cover.

I hope this has answered your question. Happy Gaming! :)

Zach Tewalthomas

And loophole just beat me to the punch :)

Hahahaha. Poor Zach…

Loophole Master said:

Hahahaha. Poor Zach…

kudos to him for giving us both the same answer ;)

Loophole Master said:

Got an official answer from Zach today on Yakov's Acid Thrower:

"It is not a misprint. Yakov's Acid Thrower does not ignore cover."

Well, that's that. I find it pretty weird that acid does not ignore cover, but there you go. SSU heroes overall seem generally weak and overpriced.

Loophole Master said:

Got an official answer from Zach today on Yakov's Acid Thrower:

"It is not a misprint. Yakov's Acid Thrower does not ignore cover."

Well, that's that. I find it pretty weird that acid does not ignore cover, but there you go. SSU heroes overall seem generally weak and overpriced.

Who really picks Yakov for his damage output, though? He could be armed with nothing but a pointed stick and his Legendary Tactician skill would still make him worth 30 points.

As for the other heroes, Winter Child sure looks worth every bit of his 65 points. That bloke is a monster.

Koshka seems priced about right.

Red Yana might be a little high--I don't know why she merits 20 points when she's basically Koshka with a better weapon and no ability to pilot a walker.

As for Nikolai…hmm, haven't quite decided about him, yet. 26 points seems kind of a lot, but he does have a skill with unlimited uses. On the other hand, it only works for sustained attacks. Still, I can see him being really devasting behind the controls of a Matrioshka.

The SSU heroes may just seem overpriced because a few popular heroes *cough*Lara*cough* are very much under priced.

Yeah, the problem is when you compare the SSU heroes to the other factions' heroes. For example, Koshka and Bazooka Joe. Same price, but Joe's Grenade weapon has better range and damage, his C combat is stronger and he has an extra weapon. Black Ops is also much better than the single-use Fighting Spirit skill and the ability to pilot a walker.

I wouldn't use Lara for any base of comparison, though, cause that unit is RIDICULOUSLY underpriced. Can't believe she'll become even more powerful when we start using aircraft…