Whats about selling in Arkham?

By AzAsil, in Arkham Horror Second Edition


i just bought Arkham Horror 3 day ago and its really nice and fun to play.

But there is a question we couldn't answer with the help of the rulebook or the internet/forum topics.

So i hope u can give me a hand...

Can i sell items with printed $-cost on it? If yes, where can i sell 'em?

We're planing to make some house-rules to sell 'em for the half (rounded-up) price/costs and maybe at the usual placed where u can buy 'em normally.

Hope for response!



You can't sell them (I'm not sure if there's an Encounter that allows otherwise). In Kingsport Horror, there *is* a location where you can sell items.

There are a few encounters that allow you to sell items, one I know of is at the general store, also the kingsport location just mentioned, and there is a mythos card I think...

AzAsil said:

Can i sell items with printed $-cost on it? If yes, where can i sell 'em?

As the users above said, in the basic game there is no "where". Occassionally, there is a "when" you can sell it, but there is no location you can just go to at your convienence and sell items you do not want.

You don't have time to search around, looking for a buyer in pre/early depression-era Arkham. You've got a town to save! Stop trying to make a buck and go get some clues. gui%C3%B1o.gif

AzAsil said:

We're planing to make some house-rules to sell 'em for the half (rounded-up) price/costs and maybe at the usual placed where u can buy 'em normally.

We made an early house rule that you would sell back items and half price rounded down at the places they could be purchased. We made spells woth 4 dollars. However we soon quit using the house rule.

If you really want to sell items, you can always get a bank loan and don't pay it back. Then you've effectively sold all your items for $10.00. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Don't forget that this is a co-operative game. If you are planning on defaulting on a bank loan, give all your equipment and money to the other investigators before making those interest rolls. That way you lose nothing (except the one point for unpaid bank loans at the end of the game). And if you really don't mind undermining the spirit (and challenge) of the game, you can have each of your investigators repeat the process. In a four investigator game, you could accumulate $40 at the cost of 4 points to your end score. So yes, if you are more interested in winning than playing the game, there are loop holes to exploit. And no, our group does not do this; it takes all the joy out of winning the game, and diminishes the victory. Shame on all of you who do this. Shame on me for suggesting it.


also remember that with only the base game you loose half your items when you are sent to the hospital/asylum. having some bad items will protect the good ones!

No, you can't sell items but as mentioned earlier, your party mates can probably always use your old kit.

Bad Dog said:

Don't forget that this is a co-operative game. If you are planning on defaulting on a bank loan, give all your equipment and money to the other investigators before making those interest rolls. That way you lose nothing (except the one point for unpaid bank loans at the end of the game). And if you really don't mind undermining the spirit (and challenge) of the game, you can have each of your investigators repeat the process. In a four investigator game, you could accumulate $40 at the cost of 4 points to your end score. So yes, if you are more interested in winning than playing the game, there are loop holes to exploit. And no, our group does not do this; it takes all the joy out of winning the game, and diminishes the victory. Shame on all of you who do this. Shame on me for suggesting it.


Henry Paulson? Is that you?

Mike said:

Henry Paulson? Is that you?

No, sorry, it is not.

moekel said:

also remember that with only the base game you loose half your items when you are sent to the hospital/asylum. having some bad items will protect the good ones!

Quoted for Truth. Always have some crap ballast to toss out of the plane so you can hold on to the stuff that matters. And since your Inventory is bottomless, there is no problem with having a pile of card you won't use.

But a surplus of junk probably isn't your problem: it's that you have NO money, isn't it? Try hitting up the Newspaper or the Administration Building for jobs, or try Hibb's Roadhouse for a poker game or shady deal. I hear rich people love trains...