Below is the NBN deck I played at worlds. It went 5-0 on the day (didn't play as corp in semis as I killed myself on a snare first game as runner before I scored anything and thus couldn't win, so we stopped there).
Agendas- 21 points, 11 cards
3x Breaking News
3x Autoscript Pilot Program
3x Private Security Force
2x Priority Requisition
Upgrades - 0 influence, 1 card
1x SanSan City Grid
Assets - 6 influence, 7 cards
3x Pad Campaign
3x Snare (6 influence)
1x Melange Mining Corp
Operations - 7 Influence, 13 cards
3x Hedge Fund
2x Psychographics
2x SEA Source
2x Closed Accounts
3x Beanstalk Royalties (3 influence)
1x Scorched Earth (4 influence)
Ice - 2 influence, 17 cards
3x Enigma
3x Tollbooth
3x Data Raven
3x Matrix Analyzer
3x Wall of Static
2x Ice Wall (2 influence)