Carrier case?

By player1587023, in Dust Warfare General Discussion

I just started Dust Tactics ( I ******* love it). I just wanted know if anybody know any good carrier case for all m guys and cards. I going be carry them back and forth to my brother house. Thanx a lot. First timer.

I met Carrying Case.

My personal favorite is the Army Transport by Sabol. It has pluck foam that you pull to customize your trays the way you want them.

Battlefoam makes pre-cut custom trays. They're great, but invariably you have slots in them that you won't use, taking up precious space in your bag.

You can also custom make foam with Battlefoam. They have pre cut shapes for almost all the mechs. Infantry, you can just measure them and make custom as well.

how about the KR MULTICASE: KAISER2 with 72 cavalry blue foam tray… w/c is 2inch deep each slot.. dust figures are a bit bigger and wider than other miniature figs..

I'm using 2" for all my axis infantry.

The KR foam looks fine, but the cases look like they're just cardboard. Army transport and battlefoam cases both have good pockets for books, tapes, tokens, dice, etc.