Two Basic Questions: Dice Pool, Midnight Doom

By Natty-Bot, in Elder Sign

Hi - New to the forums, did some searching and read the FAQ, but I'm still unclear on two points. Maybe I'm just thick, but:

  1. Do the Red/Yellow dice remain in the Dice Pool after the Adventure card they were used on gets resolved? Once you've added them to the Dice Pool, do you continue to use them for every roll on every adventure card until something Locks them again? Or do you go back to just Green dice when you start your next Adventure card? It seems like there are a lot of Items and Abilities that add Red/Yellow dice to the pool that never get used; I figured I must be doing something wrong. So do you always have Red/Yellow dice until they get locked again, or do you have to keep adding them to your dice pool (assuming they aren't locked)?
  2. Are you supposed to add a Doom Token to the Doom Track every time the Clock strikes Midnight?


1. The Red and Yellow dice are added to your dice pool ONLY when you use a common or unique item card to add them. You may play these cards at any time during the adventure, but only before rolling the dice; ie: you can save the card until you are on the last task of an adventure, and, before rolling the dice, play the card to add a red and/or yellow dice. Then, once you fail or pass the adventure, you lose the red and/or yellow dice. Thus, the next investigator starts with just the 6 green dice unless they play a common or unique item card to add the red and/or yellow dice to their pool (or their special ability allows them to add them). The ONLY time where a die would carry over to the next investigator is if you played a spell to lock a result and then didn't use it on your adventure.

2. At every stroke of midnight, you turn over a Mythos card. If the lingering effect of the previous Mythos card or the immediate effect of the drawn Mythos card says to place a Doom token, then you place a Doom token. That's the only time you place a Doom token.

Thanks! That was very clear. I was wondering why we were doing so well. I wish these points were made slightly clearer in the rulebook; especially the first one.

Sorry to Double-Post, but this is a clarity issue, and should maybe get more attention, ideally in the next edition's rulebook, or at least in the next version of the FAQ. These are pretty basic issues that seem to cause a lot of confusion, and here is the info that seems to be missing.

Here is a transcript from the conversation on Reddit :

Thanks everyone for your contributions. Here are the conclusions we've come to:

  1. With no locked dice and no cards or items used, an investigator gets only the 6 green dice to complete a task. On each investigation card, an item or other special effect must be used in order to gain the red and yellow dice. He then has them in his Die Pool for every action ON THAT TURN. Once the investigator's turn is over (whether or not the adventure card was completed) the yellow and red dice are returned to the "standby" dice pool (unless focused by a spell). When they are Locked, however, no item can bring them into play until they are unlocked again.
  2. You DO NOT automatically add any Doom Tokens to the Doom Track whenever it strikes Midnight. The only case where you would do so would be if specifically instructed to do so by a Mythos or Adventure card.
  3. You DO, however, add a Doom Token to the Doom Track whenever an Investigator is Devoured.
  4. When an Investigator Fails at an Adventure, his pawn remains there until his next movement phase. This means he will be able to assist on that adventure if other players attempt it on their turns.