First game Ben M won as HB in a very long(over 1.5 hours) hard fought game. Jeremy the runner (Criminal) had 6 agenda points and corp had 3 but runner hit a Project Junebug trying to get the last point.
Second game Ben M as Criminal runner and Jeremy as Weyland. Runner build up a good rig and did some early runs. Weyland built up some huge servers with 3 Hadrian Walls in 3 different servers. Ben stole a Private SEcurity Force right before corp discovered illegal card in remote server, ice in the server instead of the agenda which was the private security force Ben stole. Costly mistake. Runner took a tag and failed to remove it (no idea why), two Scorched Earths and on to game 3. So two mistakes and ended at 16-16 for each. Tie breaker next.
For game 3 Ben won the roll and took his HB deck back out for the final game. Fast start for Jeremy to 5 agenda points from HQ. game then went on for quite a while. Jeremy ended up scoring his last two points to win 8-2.
You can watch it all online too as the videos are all recorded on the FFG account.Broken up in to 30 minute clips.