Hey all, another couple of questions for you here. Played my second game and two things came up :
1) The Corp card
Shipment from Mirrormorph
states: "Immediately install up to 3 cards (spending no clicks but paying all initial costs)."
What does this mean, exactly? Would they be played rezzed or unrezzed. What if a card has no install cost (such as an Agenda). In fact, looking this one up, my opponent and I couldn't find any mention of a term called "Install Cost," though we figured "Play Cost" and "Rez Cost" meant "Install Cost."
2) When accessing a Corp's R&D the rulebook says that the runner can "score" agendas. But in the following column (pg. 18), it refers to the acquiring of Agendas as "Stealing." When you look up "Score" in the glossary it specifies that it's a Corp action. I assume "Steal" and "Score" are interchangeable but we all know what happens when one assumes
3) The Corp action Purge Virus Counters; does this purge all virus counters off of every card in the game?
Anyway, thanks for the help! Every game I play I make mistakes, though they're getting fewer, and fewer, as the number of games increase.