first 100pts game

By Sock3, in X-Wing Battle Reports

First 100 point game against a friend over, sadly for me the rebels won, but i didnt feel that bad as i made both the lists.

i used Darth Vader with expert handling and cluster missile, Mauler Mithel with expert handling, Howlrunner with expert handling and Backstabber.

my friend had Luke with R2-F2, protons and swarm tactics, Wedge with squad leader, protons and R2-D2 and a rookie pilot with R5-D8.

i lost Backstabber early on, but with consentrated fire i managed to eliminate Wedge. A couple of turns, and a lot of firing later, i lost Howlrunner and Mauler Mithel leaving Darth Vader against Skywalker and his rookie friend. I managed to keep Darth alive for 5 more turns with some amazing piloting (if i do say so myself lol) but i lost him in the end.

Even though i lost this is a Fantastic game, i dont see either side being over powered in anyway. the rebels might have shield and stronger weapons, but its balanced out by the fact the empire are agile and can easily out maneuver any x-wing or y-wing and they cost half the points.

Sock, my limited experience with a 100 build is that "Named" Pilots are like spices with cooking. A little bit goes a long way it in the properer amount. Too much makes the meal inedible.

Just my observation so far.

Chairborne said:

Sock, my limited experience with a 100 build is that "Named" Pilots are like spices with cooking. A little bit goes a long way it in the properer amount. Too much makes the meal inedible.

Just my observation so far.