Genestealer attack phase

By Ex Nihilo, in Death Angel

After giving it some thought I decided to pick up Death Angel. I'm on my second game when I find myself stumped.

A Marine finds himself with a swarm on each side. I roll for the swarm on the right first and the marine is slain.

Will the swarm on the left be able to attack the marine that just moved up or does the movement of the column negate it's attack?

It was my understanding that they would be able to attack after moving as long as they had not already attacked

The swarm which has not attacked yet will attack after you shift the formation and they are next to a space marine.

Also, the rules say that if two swarms are at the same position, the one on the left attacks first. This is arbitrary though, so if you consistently do the other order that is just as fair.

dypaca said:

The swarm which has not attacked yet will attack after you shift the formation and they are next to a space marine.

That's how I played it. Pretty sure doing so cost me the game ,but eh, rules is rules.

dypaca said:

Also, the rules say that if two swarms are at the same position, the one on the left attacks first. This is arbitrary though, so if you consistently do the other order that is just as fair.

Didn't catch that, thanks.