Vader gets revengeā€¦

By Cpt.HARM, in X-Wing Battle Reports

After last weeks drubbing, Vader was keen to have another crack at Horton (and as it turns out Luke). Same list as last time, but a different opponent.

Vader, Backstabber, Mauler Mithel, Winged Gundark and a Black Squadron Pilot up against Luke, Horton and another pair of X-Wings. The main thing that I tried over my last game was to not only contrate firepower a little better, but to also use the Koiogran turns to let my Ties go through the enemy line and return quickly for another pass, using the pilot abilities to make up for the loss of actions (extra dice at close range, extra dice when outside the firing arc etc).


Cpt.HARM said:

After last weeks drubbing, Vader was keen to have another crack at Horton (and as it turns out Luke). Same list as last time, but a different opponent.

Vader, Backstabber, Mauler Mithel, Winged Gundark and a Black Squadron Pilot up against Luke, Horton and another pair of X-Wings. The main thing that I tried over my last game was to not only contrate firepower a little better, but to also use the Koiogran turns to let my Ties go through the enemy line and return quickly for another pass, using the pilot abilities to make up for the loss of actions (extra dice at close range, extra dice when outside the firing arc etc).


The Xwings look a bit funny, are they like from somewhere else like say the micro machines stuff?

and how the heck did you manage to get those 4 TIEs to range 1 Luke that way XD that's some really really impressive maneuvering, although it looks like you had 2 collisions, which is a very good tradeoff actually. still, it's very very impressive

I have to agree with you on your final ion cannon comment. I'm loving my Horton, Wedge and Rookie squad.

I second what has been said about that fantastic ending where you had Luke at range 1 of all your TIE fighters. Most impressive.

It was 100% pure luck to get Luke in that crossfire, if he had moved at speed 4 he would have flown past all my Tie fighters.
